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Darts that mark a tense relationship between Piñera and Allamand: from the “political deficit” to the “delete” | National

They look alike, but little. Both from the same party, Renovación Nacional (RN), which they led. Once, twice President and a senator; the other twice a minister and a senator. Sebastián Piñera and Andrés Allamand, have had a political career together, in the same trench, which -sometimes- fills up with dirt, with cross criticism. But today they meet again under one roof: the Palacio de La Moneda.

Their relationship is marked by some milestones with accusations and crossed darts of “Lack of political leadership” o de “disloyalty”, recorded in declarations from the end of Piñera’s first term, which today regain their relevance.

Under a turbulent political climate, on Tuesday, the President invested a second time as head of portfolio to Andrés Allamand. Before it was in Defense, in 2011, and now as Chancellor.

What is not clear is if Piñera seeks curb friendly fire or greater political weight in his cabinet – or both – after recent criticism for lack of leadership. There, the story needs to be told.

But, behind, there is a narration and what a story.

In three chapters: “Political deficit”

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With Andrés Allamand as presidential pre-candidate, in December 2012, just over a month after leaving the position of Defense Minister of the first government of Sebastián Piñera, who served between January 2011 and November 2012, the militant of Renovación Nacional began to distance itself from the Government of the “Alliance” of that time, its Government.

With 31% approval of his driving, Piñera received criticism, not only from the opposition.

“What I am saying is that during these four years there was a marked political deficit. When I pointed it out some time ago, a battery of criticism was generated from the sycophants who always surround La Moneda, whatever the government. However, today no one disputes. “

– Andrés Allamand, December 2013

“There has been a political deficitI do not walk around. It is true, since day one there has been a political deficit, and I do not want those who try to get a small advantage to hide this issue, ”presidential candidate Allamand told the press about the management of an Executive to which he had belonged less. two months before that statement.

But, that was not the only statement in which Allamand used the phrase “political deficit”. He also did it a year later.

“What I’m saying is that during these four years there was a marked political deficit. When I pointed it out some time ago, a battery of criticism was generated from the sycophants who always surround La Moneda, whatever the government. However, today no one disputes and everyone assumes that the political deficit – in contrast to good management in many fields – was the Achilles heel of the current government, “said the newly elected senator for Santiago, Andrés Allamand, in an interview with La Segunda in December 2013.

Again: “political deficit”. And, it is not all, there was a third part:

“If there is sufficient background on the table, the logical thing is to clear them clearly from the beginning […] clearly there is a conduction deficit on the subject of motions that are inadmissible, ”Allamand said in an interview on July 6 with Radio Pauta, as a criticism of the government’s political leadership of the bills that have been seen as defeats for the ruling party, mainly the partial withdrawal of pension funds.

“It is the obligation of President Piñera to give a rudder. And the effect must reach the government and Chile Vamos. The government has to change radically in some aspects, ”Allamand told La Tercera last July 12, in reply to the positive processing, with votes from Chile Vamos, of the same pension initiative.

Allamand was invested, 16 days later, by Sebastián Piñera as Minister of Foreign Affairs, replacing Teodoro Ribera.

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Delete a Allamand

While Allamand had just been elected senator in November 2013, as a consolation prize, after having drifted away in July 2013 from the presidential career he had embarked on, Piñera was beginning to say goodbye to his first government. But, the President’s momentary goodbye was far from being quiet.

Evelyn Matthei lost in the second presidential round to Michelle Bachelet and began the witch hunt over the responsibilities in the ruling party of a “Alliance” rota.

Among all the friendly fire, the accusation of “political deficit” in the government’s political leadership by Andrés Allamand took place. But, this time, with a full glass, Piñera did not let her pass.

I saw the photo in the newspaper in which I was dating this President, with a sign that said ‘a life working together, a vision for the future’. When people change so surprisingly, for a matter of mental health, do delete. I prefer to focus on governing ”

– Sebastián Piñera, February 2014

“When a government has done its job well, in which the President, together with the ministers and undersecretaries, we have not stopped working any day and neither have my wife. So, some people make their criticisms, for example, some who were ministers, who were part of the cabinet, who they were there and they never said anything ”, the President said in an interview with El Sur de Concepción, in early February 2014, while making a farewell tour by regions.

Not satisfied with the first argument, Piñera made a “delete” Allamand.

“When they were pre-candidates for the Presidency they said that they were going to continue the work, that it was a great government. I even saw the photo in the newspaper in which I was dating this President, with a sign that said ‘a life working together, a vision for the future’. When people change in such a surprising way, for a matter of mental health, do delete. I prefer to focus on governing, “he added.

So Piñera closed his first term, pointing to a “disloyalty” from his former defense minister, who had reached the Senate.

He began the race by defending a legacy.

Again in the presidential race

“When they have only been in government for 15 months, it is neither timely nor convenient to start campaigns (…) Let’s say things as they are. There are many who all their lives aspire to be presidential candidates, ”said the Head of State in an interview with Canal 9 Bío Bío Televisión, in May 2019.

Piñera responded with annoyance to a statement by Andrés Allamand in which he spoke of an eventual and anticipated race to La Moneda.

“If you are asked if you are willing to think about it, you have to answer frankly: yes, I am available to think about it,” said Allamand, days before on Duna radio.

“Regrettable, disappointing and unnecessary response from the President. We can’t go wrong. From Piñera downwards, we must take care of our leadership, ”intervened the president of the RN of that time, Mario Desbordes, in defense of Allamand, who a little over a year later, criticized him for having made“ a crack ”in National Renewal and Chile. We are going to have approved the law of 10% of the AFPs.

Another story: In August 2013, Piñera spoke of passive accomplices of the dictatorship, for all that in his sector, who knew of the human rights violations and “did nothing.”

“That does not come to me as a passive accomplice,” replied Allamand, a few days later.

July 2020. Patio de los Cañones, Piñera, Allamand and Desbordes. Official photo of the new cabinet.

The doubt, Will there again be a “Political Deficit” or a “Delete”?

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