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Darth Vader Comics by Marvel: New Series with Key Plot Twists and Characters

Marvel’s Darth Vader comics are rightfully considered one of the truly good things to come out of Star Wars in the last decade. And the current run under Marvel star author Greg Pak is in no way inferior, quite the opposite!

And the fun really begins after recent events! It’s a dark time for the galaxy, as the current Darth Vader comic series takes place after the events of The Empire Strikes Back. Darth Vader has found a new ally in Sabe, the former bodyguard, doppelganger, maid and shadow of Queen Amidala. This makes this issue a real treat for fans of the storyline that began in Darth Vader: Dark Heart of the Sith. Sabe (played by Keira Knightley in the films) pieced together Vader’s true identity in a completely believable and logical way. In this story, she is placed in the dangerous position of manipulating Vader against a governor who she claims is working with the criminal organization Crimson Dawn against a colony of former slaves she freed on Tatooine. Vader agrees, but he is not only influenced by his past and his feelings for his late wife.

Sabe’s motivation is partly to finish the work that Padme started, and she uses this to win Vader to her side. Vader seems to fall for her manipulations, but in doing so he gains a security and self-confidence that he himself lacked. The presence of Sabe gives the whole book a much more confident basis. The artwork by Raffaelle Ienco and Marco Castello, the dialogues and the narration seem to give a whole new energy.

The volume begins with Sabe detailing how she discovered Vader’s identity and what she knows about his personality, motivations, and actions. Including his clear interest in Padme’s grave and a record of Padme’s last words. She tells Vader of her mission to continue Padme’s work by freeing as many of Tatooine’s slaves as possible. She recruits him to help overthrow the corrupt governor who is abusing a colony of former slaves.

Of course, the interested reader knows that Vader always plays his own game and yet we once again get to know new sides of the dark lord. And then, of course, there is the Emperor, who observes his student’s renewed independent actions with increasing unease, as he has only just been clearly broken in the magnificent volume “Darth Vader – Into the Fire”.

One of the big surprises at the beginning of the volume are the colonists, including the adult Kitster and Wald. Anakin’s former friends from Episode I even have their own Podracer-inspired transportation. The Governor’s actions result in monstrous creatures attacking the colony. Kitster and Wald don’t listen to Sabe’s demands to retreat, forcing Vader to save them and kill the creatures at the same time.

So begins an excellent adventure that makes excellent use of the duplicity that surrounds Crimson Dawn, forcing Vader to find exceptional allies and enemies. The art is excellent and the focus on characters from Episode I is such a rarity that this issue alone is worth owning. Sabe is such a strong foil to Vader that it gives the story a new lease of life, and the art and colors seem to recognize this, bursting with energy in every panel.


I can’t emphasize it often enough that the Darth Vader comics from Marvel, which are published in German by Panini, are not only great, they are also really fun because they not only exploit all the facets of the dark character, but also enliven him with fresh ones Ideas by exploring him and the characters around him. With the renewed focus on Sabe, Greg Pak has made a real stroke of luck and it will be interesting to see how and whether this character develops further in further adventures.


Verlag: Panini Comics (Marvel)
Pages: 112
Author: Greg Pak
Illustrator: Raffaele Ienco
Preis: around 16 Euros

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