UIn order to improve the climate in the city, the Darmstadt magistrate has decided to systematically maintain and increase the number of trees on busy streets in the city centre. For this purpose, the landscape planning office BHMP has been commissioned to examine where this is possible on the heavily used roads. After consultation with all responsible authorities, 139 potential locations for new plantings were identified. The work is to begin in the heavily trafficked central city area between Rhönring, Dolivostrasse to Heinrichstrasse, Teichhausstrasse and Landgraf-Georg-Strasse. Environment and green space department head Michael Kolmer (Die Grünen) relies on the ability of trees to bind climate-damaging carbon dioxide, release oxygen and also reduce coarse and fine dust and nitrogen oxides in the air, as he explained in a statement. However, suitable locations are not easy to find, because many different needs meet in the area mentioned, from pedestrian and bicycle traffic, stationary traffic to fire and rescue routes and supply lines in the ground. Since climate changes that have already occurred are putting more strain on existing trees with more drought and heat, it is not just a matter of planting new plants, but also of protecting existing ones. The shade of the trees lowers the temperature, and the evaporation of the absorbed water humidifies and cools the air. Kolmer summed it up, especially on roads with heavily heated asphalt.