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Darmstadt: Petition and postcards against planned industrial area

The nature conservation association and the community of interests of Arheilger citizens speak out against the destruction of agricultural land between Arheilgen and Wixhausen.

If you are currently walking or cycling between the northern Darmstadt districts of Arheilgen and Wixhausen between asparagus and strawberry fields, you will see wooden crosses painted green and black in some fields. On a laminated sheet of paper there is talk of “death from the climate and the death of farmers”.

The interest group Arheilger Bürger (Igab) and farmers put up the crosses with the notices to protest against a possible designation of new construction areas for the settlement of companies in the west of Arheilgen and in the east of Wixhausen.

In autumn 2019, the city council decided to carry out preparatory studies for the two areas that are currently mainly used for agriculture. Mayor Jochen Partsch (Greens) wants to present the results of the investigations on Tuesday.

In the master plan DA 2030+ decided by the city last year, the two 230 hectare areas Arheilgen-West and Wixhausen-Ost are referred to as “new potential areas”, which are made available for urban development as “priority” and “perspective” should. There are considerations about relocating the tram depot and the headquarters of the local transport company from Klappacher Straße to the north of Darmstadt.

Many citizens use the two areas for local recreation on the one hand. On the other hand, despite their intensive agricultural use, the areas are also habitat for kites, skylarks, hares and pheasants. In addition, according to the city in the north of Darmstadt, lapwing have been breeding regularly for years.

A petition with the title “Protect the forest and the district around Arheilgen and Wixhausen for agriculture, local recreation and the climate” is also supported by the Darmstadt Nature Conservation Union (Nabu) and around 3500 people. The Nabu speaks of a “devastation” and fears the “lasting destruction of a special bird world”. The destruction of agricultural land in the north of Darmstadt should be rejected in view of climate change and also from the point of view of nature conservation. The plans followed the strategy of “business as usual” in sealing the landscape, criticized the association in a press release.

The Igab chairman Ute Dupper announced on Thursday a postcard and a leaflet campaign under the motto “Preserve the nature around Arheilgen and Wixhausen – no new industrial areas!”


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