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Darmstadt: Meeting of the self-help group for amputees – Rhein Main Verlag

(Iconic Image: John Tuesday on Unsplash)

The next AMPUTTreffen-AGIL will take place on Thursday 3 November at 6 pm at the restaurant “Zum Ziegelbusch” on Kranichsteiner Straße 183 in Darmstadt.

The AGIL eV self-help group (full life amputees) gathers to exchange information, advice and suggestions with each other and with newly affected people and their relatives, how to find their way back to life after amputation and how overcome difficulties in the unknown situation.

If you have any questions, you can contact AMPUFON-AGIL at Tel. 06151/307 6756. Do not hesitate to call us back.

(Text: PM AGIL eV)

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