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Darmstadt Corona crisis team deals with the end of the vaccination center

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In its meeting, the Covid-19 crisis team of the City of Science Darmstadt routinely dealt with the development of the infection situation in Darmstadt, the current hospital occupancy rate and the official end of the vaccination center.

The last of a total of 159,000 vaccinations were carried out there last Friday, and this week, on September 30, the order from the State of Hesse will officially end. As reported by the vaccination center, the dismantling in the darmstadtium is almost complete. Tomorrow, Thursday, the colleagues there will officially say goodbye again. This also ends the presence in the crisis team of the City of Science Darmstadt.

“In the last few weeks we were able to carry out a total of 500 vaccinations per day in the darmstadtium,” explains Mayor Jochen Partsch. “For comparison: The doctors in Darmstadt currently carry out 1,200 vaccinations per week. So that was once again an outstanding rate before the Covid-19 vaccinations in Darmstadt in the coming weeks and months will now concentrate entirely on our vaccination clinic in the health department and on medical care, “said the mayor, who once again focused entirely I would like to thank everyone involved for their work.

The infection rate in Darmstadt is still at a consistently moderate, slightly falling level. As announced by the health department, 24 new laboratory-confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been added for the science city Darmstadt for Wednesday, so that a cumulative total of 7008 laboratory-confirmed cases are now registered in Darmstadt. The incidence is 83.6.

In the Darmstadt clinics, the number of inpatients has continued to stabilize. There are 9 (7) patients with Covid-19 in the Darmstadt Clinic, 4 (1) in the Elisabethenstift and 1 (0) in the Alice Hospital in the normal and intensive care unit. The clinics look at the course of the coming cold season with an observant attitude. The Hesse-wide hospitalization incidence is currently 1.81. When a value of 8 is reached, the state government intends to coordinate further measures.

(Text: PM Science City Darmstadt)

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