Home » today » Business » Darmawan Junaidi will be the president director of Bank Mandiri (BMRI) at the EGMS tomorrow, this is his figure

Darmawan Junaidi will be the president director of Bank Mandiri (BMRI) at the EGMS tomorrow, this is his figure

ILLUSTRATION. Darmawan Junaidi, Director of Treasury, International Banking, and Special Asset Management at Bank Mandiri (BMRI) is said to be the president director of BMRI at the EGMS tomorrow. This is the figure

Reporter: Titis Nurdiana | Editor: Titis Nurdiana

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS), Wednesday, October 20, 2020.

Referring to the announcement of Bank Mandiri (BMRI) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website, one of the agenda items is the replacement of the management of one of the state-owned banks.

The plan of Bank Mandiri EGMS (BMRI) This will be held at 14.00 AM at the Plaza Mandiri Auditorium 3rd floor, Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav 36-38, Jakarta 12190.

The information obtained by KONTAN stated that the EGMS would appoint Darmawan Junaidi as Managing Director of Bank Mandiri (BMRI). Darmwan will replace Royke Tumilaar who at the EGMS of PT Bank BNI Tbk (BBNI) to become the Managing Director of BNI.

At the Bank Mandiri EGMS tomorrow, the position of the deputy president also changes. vice director BMRI no longer held by Hery Gunardi. The reason is, Hery received an assignment from the Ministry of BUMN to complete the merger of Islamic BUMN banks.

“Mr. Hery’s experience in overseeing the merger of state-owned banks (Bank Mandiri /BMRI) will be very helpful in the merger process of sharia banks, “said a source from KONTAN.

Did not change the composition of the commissioners, EGMS BMRI tomorrow will also add one bank director from outside Bank Mandiri. Unfortunately, KONTAN sources were reluctant to explain the name of the directors.

Then who is Darmawan Junaidi?

Darmawan Junaidi is currently the Director of Treasury, International Banking, and Special Asset Management of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI). Darmawan has held this position since August 2017.

Darmawan’s career at Bank Mandiri (BMRI) in treasury is also fairly long. Even throughout his career, Darmawan was also more involved in the field treasury, since the merger of Bank Mandiri in 1999 until he was assigned as Group Head of Bank Mandiri Treasury (BMRI) in 2016.

In the field distribution, Darmawan has served as Regional CEO of Bali & Nusa Tenggara for Bank Mandiri (BMRI) in 2015.

Which is also interesting, controlling some group strategic at Bank Mandiri (BMRI), Darmawan also managed to contribute up to 18% of revenue Bank Mandiri in 2019.

Perhaps because of that, at the December 2019 Bank Mandiri General Meeting of Shareholders, he was again appointed as Director of Treasury, International Banking, & Special Asset Management, who is also responsible for the success of these efforts. loan recovery, legal, and solution provision transaction banking wholesale segment.

Apart from Bank Mandiri, from 2016 to 2017, Darmawan was assigned as Finance Director of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SMGR). Even Darmawan also served as Plt. President Director at SMGR same period May-August 2017.

The position of President Commissioner of PT Semen Kupang Indonesia was also entrusted from November 2016 to August 2017.

In the closing of stock trading at the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Tuesday (20/10), Bank Mandiri shares (BMRI) closed at Rp 5,650, down 0.88%.

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Reporter: Titis Nurdiana
Editor: Titis Nurdiana

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