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Darío Martínez assumes today as the new Secretary of Energy

Martínez will leave the presidency of the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies to take the place of the displaced Sergio Lanziani, in an inauguration ceremony in which the Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, and his partner of Productive Development, Matías Kulfas, who until now was in charge of the agency, will participate.

“With a very good relationship with Alberto Fernández and all the other sectors that make up the Frente de Todos”, as highlighted by the spokesmen from the moment of his appointment, Martínez, due to his life and Neuquén militancy, knows first-hand the hydrocarbon deposit of Dead cow, and the problems that it will have to overcome in order to become the great development factor in Argentina.

What has not been specified until today is whether there will be changes in the three sub-secretariats that will depend on Martínez, and that according to the current organization make up that of Electric Power, in charge of Osvaldo Arrúa; of Hydrocarbons, with Juan Carbajales, and of Energy Planning, with Juan Pablo Ordóñez.

The decision of the national government to transfer the portfolio to the Ministry aims to have “a State policy” in the energy sector and the intention of providing a “comprehensive vision” to a factor that affects macroeconomic stability and competitiveness of added value.

This was stated by sources from the economic portfolio when explaining the reasons why the secretariat led by Neuquén Martínez will formally join the orbit of the Palacio de Hacienda starting tomorrow.

“Energy is a macroeconomic issue for our country. It is a transversal sector for the entire economy and affects the added value,” the spokesmen explained. by ensuring that this vision is shared by the heads of both ministries and arguing that the energy issue “requires a comprehensive vision that includes all sectors of the economy.”

While Guzmán will have the responsibility of approaching energy development from the macro, and contemplating its effects on the production and employment, on households and also on the external and fiscal sector, Kulfas will continue working on the sector’s value chains to strengthen them and develop the network of suppliers.

Born in the Rio Negro town of Ingeniero Huergo, 45 years old and with studies as a public accountant -although not received- at the National University of Comahue, Martínez was about to lead the discussion that the Government will give in Congress about the new Law of Hydrocarbons, which seeks to boost production and investments in Vaca Muerta.

In the particular area of ​​Energy, the objectives set are aimed at boosting oil and gas production, which has suffered in recent months the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, with a sharp drop in international prices and a significant drop in local demand .

Martínez will be in charge, in that sense, the definition of changes in hydrocarbon regulations, especially to facilitate the millionaire investments that are required. to promote extraction, both in conventional and unconventional deposits in Vaca Muerta, and advance in a possible second round of off shore exploration.

The new secretary must also intervene in the defrosting mechanisms and in the guidelines for future adjustments of the rates of gas and electricity public services, and in the investments of the concessionary companies.

The future of renewable energies is also awaiting further definitions after the macro experience through the three rounds of the Renovar program, the eventual development of atomic energy through the construction of a delayed fourth nuclear power plant with Chinese financing, and the necessary growth. of the infrastructure.

The most immediate of the announcements is estimated to be the final presentation of the new 2020-2024 Gas Scheme to promote investment and production in the sector.

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