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Dare to do more Tübingen: Germany doesn’t have to shut itself in – there are alternatives – politics

And now the lockdown should be tightened again? So in Tübingen people can come together again almost as they did before the corona pandemic. Life – in the middle of the third wave! Cinema, visits to restaurants, shopping in the city center, everything is possible with a day pass after a corona test. You can find it almost everywhere in the city now. This shows that alternatives to locking in are possible.

Thousands of rapid tests, initiated by an emergency doctor, are now helping to pull out those who have been infected with Corona but do not yet know it.

[Lesen Sie auch: „Unter freiem Himmel ist das Ansteckungsrisiko fast immer verschwindend gering“ (T+)]

The Tübingen model will be scientifically monitored and evaluated: From Monday onwards, medical students will question those who have been tested, on April 4 it will probably already be clear whether there are certain groups that are particularly affected by Corona. The respondents provide information about age, occupation, where they come from, where they are going, how they live. Fresh data to contain the pandemic.

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Hence an appeal to the mayors and district administrators: Take responsibility for your communities, cities and districts. You know the local infection situation, the condition in the health authorities, schools and hospitals best. Test as you see fit, see Tübingen or Augustusburg near Chemnitz in Saxony. The mayor there was also able to convince his state government.

Local plans to support the local economy also help the prime minister. Maybe they can look at the municipalities together with the Chancellor on Monday – and listen to them?

And then leave out the second vaccination now. At least for the time being. Even Karl Lauterbach, to a certain extent Corona shadow chancellor, health minister and top government advisor in personal union, is in favor.

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