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Dara Rollins sad: Lola prefers her friends, not hers, and wants to be alone

It happens to everyone once in a while. The child, who until now belonged only to him, was constantly cuddling with them and we were the best partner for him and surprisingly not even the center of the universe, quickly distances himself, spends a while outside the house and thus does not need anything with us.

Slovak Republic has to deal with a similar problemDara Rollins. Their only daughter, teenage Laura Homolov, is a year old at puberty. Troubles with how to react to a child’s mood swings are not avoided even by nightingale-awarded girls.

The gift of ripeness, that gives birth in such situations, in particular, I must not lose sight.

For us, the period of adulthood has been peaceful so far. Maybe it will also be the fact that we never had the need to raise, use and shape Lola according to our ideas, Rollins revealed.

Zpvaka gave birth to a daughter in 2008 to musician Matja Homol. Even though the relationship broke up, I went out with the ex-partner, and that’s mainly thanks to Laue, who are the best parents. For example, Dara confessed that she was not looking forward to him at all.

My daughter is going through puberty, Dara reported to Stch.

Although she did not grow up in the traditions of families, she grew up in a warm and harmonious relationship. For that, I am extremely grateful to both of us. Never once in her life did she listen to one another, argue, argue, or humiliate herself. Dara boasted.

But that doesn’t change the fact that the daughter, who until now paid for Daina’s best friend and for his biggest bang in life, is slowly starting to spread her hair and needs more freedom.

Looking at Lola, I had no problem tolerating her strange moods and states where she likes to be alone. I will also get used to the fact that the two gradually even give priority to their world and their friends before the world of the two of us, Dara lamented.

Children grow up, but Dara is not alone. There’s love in the air.

She just knew that this is accepted by him.

Up until now, they traveled together, but not long ago, Dara showed off a photo with Pavle from Italy without Laura, with the fact that her daughter gave priority to flying in with her friends.

The Slovakian bitch won’t stay alone, even if his beloved daughter flies after your friends from morning to night.

Rolins is in love and goes to Pavel Nedvda, who will surely find a way to get her to love him. I am also the father of two children, Ivana and Pavel young, and I have a lot of experience with puberty.

The daughter needs cultivation, the priority of two friends and the dream of puberty.

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