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“Dar Attalib”: For better access to education in Benslimane

sunday, january 24, 2021 at 12:04 pm

Benslimane – “Dar Attalib”, accommodation structure for students of both sexes in the town of Benslimane, constitutes a model of inclusive social project and a consecration of the participatory approach aiming to promote education in rural areas, to fight against dropping out of school and improving the quality of services provided in the educational field in the eponymous province, mainly for young girls.

“Dar Attalib” is home to around 300 beneficiaries from the various municipalities of the province of Benslimane, generally from poor families and do not have nearby establishments allowing them to continue their education in their place of residence.

Since its launch in 2005, the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH) has become a major partner of the Islamic Charitable Association which oversees the management and direction of “Dar Attalib”, which embodies the success of the INDH approach. for value-added social programs in vital sectors, such as education, health and support for people in vulnerable situations.

“Dar Attalib” includes several pavilions with a capacity of more than 300 places, bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, classrooms, a green space, a treatment room and a sports field.

In a statement to MAP, the head of the social action division in the province of Benslimane, Hassan Abidi, underlined that “Dar Attalib” is one of the main concerns of the INDH, especially in its third phase and this, in accordance with the objectives of the fourth program relating to the strengthening of human development for future generations.

The province of Benslimane is involved in achieving the objectives set by carrying out upgrading, expansion and equipment of the establishment, at an estimated cost of 3 million dirhams, with a view to improve the quality of services provided by this structure, whose existence has become fundamental for students from disadvantaged backgrounds or remote areas, he explained.

For his part, the president of the Islamic Charitable Association, Smihrou Sbaii, indicated that the beneficiaries of “Dar Attalib” services are selected on the basis of an in-depth study of their files, noting that a number of executives and of agents supervise daily to guarantee them appropriate reception conditions, while others provide, on a voluntary basis, educational support courses to help them overcome any deficit which could hinder their learning or their integration.

The residents of this structure enjoy, in normal times, quality services in terms of food, accommodation and development (reading and multimedia rooms). But, due to the spread of the new coronavirus, it has remained closed for the current school year in front of the beneficiaries, forced to follow their courses remotely.

However, Mr. Sbaii said that during the exam period, the establishment made sure to welcome the students to allow them to pass their tests, wishing the end of the epidemic to be able to welcome them again in normal conditions.

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