The extension from the United Arab Emirates to Italy has arrived for Danilo Coppola, the Romanian entrepreneur among the so-called “smarts of the neighborhood” sentenced in 2022 to seven years in prison for bankruptcy. This was announced by the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, who expressed “satisfaction” with the extension to Italy Coppola, boarded a flight from Abu Dhabi this morning, after the decision made by the competent legal and governmental authorities of the United Arab Emirates.

The decision, which we read in a note from the ministry, was made after an intense legal-diplomatic activity in the past months, after the visit of Minister Nordio to Abu Dhabi last February: in the negotiations at the time by the Emirati Minister of Justice, Mohammed. At Nuaimi, the Keeper of the Seals “raised the various Italian extradition requests that are still pending, including the legal case of Danilo Coppola, the Romanian entrepreneur sentenced in 2022 to seven a year in prison”.