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Danila Cattani: «I use my image to create a fitness app» – Trento

TENT. “My mom sees me on social media and she thinks I’m not doing anything. Instead this is my job: 10% is represented by fitness, the 90% from Onlyfans». When the I earn it comes from the promotion of one’s image, on the other hand, there can be misunderstandings. “My mum really didn’t like this choice. We did one big fight».

Thirty-two years old, with a degree in motor sciences and a statuesque physicist, Daniela Cattani is a personal trainer, online coach and influencer. In other words, she is a young woman who through her social media has achieved a certain notoriety thanks to her followers, her “followers”. She has been on Instagram, on TikTok and for two and a half years on Onlyfans, the uncensored platform that allows you to chat and exchange photos and videos. Images prohibited to under 18s, for the most part.

Daniela is one Creatorthat is, it creates and proposes contents, which are deliberately mischievous and inviting for fans to put their credit card in their hands to see something more. A hobby that has become a source of income for Danila.

A kind of work which, however, is difficult to explain to the family and to make them accept…
«Exactly, because people could talk badly, giggle. But I’ve always been a person who doesn’t pay attention to criticism and I never thought of always staying in Trentino. I’m originally from Termon, in Val di Non, and since I was a little girl I dreamed of travelling. Now I live in Milan, a city that gives me so many possibilities. My passion is fitness: in the morning I train and in the afternoon I take care of Instagram, TikTok, Onlyfans and prepare the contents.

Exactly, the photos and videos: she is on Onlyfans, the platform that is being talked about a lot right now both for content only for adults (but there are also very chaste cooking courses, ed) and for the money that creators like her.
When I signed up for Onlyfans I was unaware of what I was going to encounter. It was the lockdown period, you couldn’t go to the gym and I, as a personal trainer, didn’t work. I had many of my see-through and artistic nude images that I couldn’t publish on other platforms and so I tried Onlyfans: a lot of money started coming in, I didn’t expect it. So I thought about riding the wave. It was April 2020. Now everyone is throwing themselves on this platform thinking of getting rich, but to make yourself known you need to work hard and well on other social networks. If you are not a VIP, if you don’t have other “strong” profiles it is difficult for them to come looking for you on Onlyfans.

She earns a lot by offering content with her image, with rates ranging from 5 to 100 dollars. But what does “make money” mean?
I give an example. I know a girl, with whom I also took a few photos, who earns more than 100,000 euros a month. She’s not famous, she’s not from TV, but she has a good following on TikTok and on Instagram.

She offers photos of her naked and has managed to conquer the American public. How long can a job like this last?
I realized the great potential of the platform when I saw the money that came to me from the first photos published. But it makes no sense to talk about career with Onlyfans. Now is the boom, and as is the nature of things there will be a decline and then maybe even a term. Doing this job makes sense if you can take advantage of the platform, get as much out of it as you can, and then reinvest the profit elsewhere. I already have an idea, a goal: create a fitness App or open my own training centre. I say to myself: I’m making a sacrifice, I’m doing something that maybe isn’t part of me, that doesn’t represent the person I am, in order to then make my dream come true.

And where is this goal?
Let’s start with the fact that I have never given up on fitness. I worked as a personal trainer in Trento and when I moved to Milan I continued to follow my clients online and I contacted girls all over Italy, sending them training schedules. Now I would like to make this commitment concrete by creating an App. I am in contact with agencies to try to exploit the image that I have created in the fitness world. It is a project that requires a large investment, because there is also the part that concerns communication and the promotion of the service, part that must be followed by a team. In Milan I found my dimension.

Do you come back to Trentino every now and then?
Yes sure. I will spend Christmas with my family, mum, dad and my two brothers. I care about it a lot. Now they have understood my choice, I have a more relaxed relationship with them. I have my independence, I can afford the rent of an apartment and a garage in a very expensive city like Milan, I buy things I couldn’t have before, like certain clothes and bags, and I indulged in a trip with friends in Mexico. And, thanks to Onlyfans, I was able to help my family.

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