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Daniella Álvarez shows her new and sensual version – El Pilón

August 21, 2020

Two months after her left foot was amputated after an ischemia, former Miss Colombia Daniella Álvarez is on the cover of Aló magazine in its recent issue, in which she recounted details of her surgery and how her recovery has been with her family. .

Daniella Álvarez, former Miss Colombia. PHOTO / Aló Magazine.

Two months after her left foot was amputated after an ischemia, former Miss Colombia Daniella Alvarez is the cover of Aló magazine in its recent issue, in which he told details of his surgery and how his recovery has been with his family.

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In her Instagram account, the presenter shared the image in which she appears in a chair, wearing a black bodysuit and, in addition, she wore her hair loose and in waves.

Wow, what a cute surprise this cover! The most beautiful thing is that, even if a bit of me is missing, my eyes continue to see the Daniella that I have always been: happy, full of faith and with many dreams ahead. Here, I opened my heart to tell you more about this entire process of loss that I have gone through and how I have faced it with my family“, wrote.

In addition, she was proud to show the magazine’s readers and her fans “the new version of me”, As she herself titled it, once again setting an example of resilience.

During the interview, Daniella said that at the beginning of her entire process when she was told that she had lymphoma in her abdomen, she panicked. “The mass was deeper, so they took me to a CT scan. We received the results, but the radiologist at the end of the exam wrote the word lymphoma ?, and I started to worry a lot”. She added that she and her mother underwent a biopsy to remove a portion of the mass.

Don’t stop reading: “My family did not know that I was that strong”: Daniella Álvarez

I must be honest; I read a lot about it and panicked. My only weapon to avoid succumbing to worry was to hit the Virgin. With my family we prayed the rosary every day, asking him to take care of me and protect me“, said.

Then the ex-queen mentioned that in that instant I understood that there are moments when our lives undergo a 180 degree turn”.

Daniella has always been an example of improvement for many people since despite her amputation she has always shown herself as a woman who radiates good energy.

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