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Daniel: – It was a secret I was going to die with

Last Sunday, Daniel Godø from Ålesund Farmen won, after fighting his way out of the side competition Torpet. This weekend he meets Dorthe Skappel and Good evening Norway for a longer chat.

– What was it really like to get out of the farm?

– It was completely unreal really. I was in the bubble for quite some time afterwards. It’s not really long since I landed. I floated on a cloud and was quite high up for a long time. It took maybe a month and a half, Godø says.

Watch the full interview with Daniel in the video window at the top of the case.

Godø last participated in Farmen back in 2014. Seven years later, after sitting in Oslo for a year, it did not hurt to pray when he got the chance again.

– It sounded great to be out in nature and use her hand. It was very fun the first few weeks, but it is very intense to sit on a croft for eight weeks, says Godø.

Daniel was shocked by Squid Game when he returned home:

Thrived in the closet

His participation from 2014 will forever be remembered, because then he came out as gay on TV.

– It is absolutely incredible to think about. I do not understand it myself, because it was a secret that I was going to die with. Undoubtedly. But it gets so intimate so fast in that bubble, and it felt right that I should say it, Godø says.

– I also felt that if I say it now, then the whole of Norway will know it at once.

He explains that he really thrived in the closet at the time, and did not think it was that bad.

– I could have boyfriends, but no one in the whole world could know. And I thought that was a little fun in a way. I snuck around and I thought it was really exciting. But it was very bad too, says Godø.

He always went and wondered if anyone saw him, or if anyone brought anything with them that would reveal him. Godø grew up in a Christian environment where being gay was not an option.

Not that there was so much talk down, but it was just unthinkable. It made it easier for me to just be in the closet, because it was completely unthinkable that I was gay myself, he says.

This is how he told the pastor’s parents that he was gay:

Lived a double life

But when Godø finally started meeting boys, it was the most natural thing in the whole world.

– I could not do anything for it. It was almost my soul that went after it, because it was love and infatuation, it is the most beautiful in the whole world, Godø explains.

What he failed to do was combine his feelings with the rational idea that he was not gay.

– So I lived in a way a double life. Physically, but also in my head, because I never united those thoughts. It was not until I was at the Farm that I said that, and then I started to be very ashamed, he says.

It took time for Godø to get over the shame and reconcile with the fact that he was gay.

– I only met love among friends, parents, and in the church environment as well. It’s just like barking louder than biting. The church community can be very much in favor of homosexuality, but when you meet people and it is a real relationship, you put theology and ideology a little behind you, you are also just human, says the Farmen winner.

See what Daniel will do with the winning cabin, and which participant he will share it with:

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