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Dangers of Taking Vitamin D by Ear: Effects on Children and Prevention Methods

Doctors warn that taking vitamin D by ear can cause serious problems in children, such as kidney stones. Also, the lack of sun can make them rickets, the excess burns their skin. Of course, it is known that the sun remains an important stimulant of the body’s immunity, and in the case of the little ones, it helps them synthesize vitamin D in the body and prevent rickets. To avoid dangers, however, some rules must be followed.

Specialists claim that rickets is a deficiency of calcium, phosphates and vitamin D, which prevents the growth and development of bones. In the absence of these vitamins and minerals, bones become fragile and can break very easily, even after minor trauma. In other words, vitamin D is what stimulates the absorption of calcium in the body. In its absence, not only is not enough calcium absorbed, but the body’s demineralization process also begins. The disease affects especially the little ones. To prevent vitamin D deficiency, doctors prescribe it for prophylactic purposes, there is even a national program in this sense. Practically, at present, there are many preparations for oral administration. At the same time, it should be stated that rickets occurs when parents neglect this administration or keep the bottle in improper conditions. According to Dr. Călin Ciubotaru, vitamin D is inactivated by light and heat, so a bottle stored in improper conditions can expire the very next day after it has been opened. “There is a myth among mothers that the bottle once opened expires in 30 days. Nothing more fake. If it is stored in appropriate conditions, i.e. away from light and heat, at room temperature in winter, or in the refrigerator in summer, it expires on the date written on the packaging. Otherwise, if you keep it in the sun, it can change from the next day”, said the doctor. There are two reasons why doctors recommend taking vitamin D for children. Basically, vitamin D is found naturally in many foods, especially fish and seafood, foods that we humans are deficient in. The second reason would be related to the excessive media coverage of the negative effects that the sun has on the body.

“Sun exposure helps synthesize vitamin D in the body. The sun is not the enemy of man, but a stimulator of immunity, and children need it for normal development. The excess starts when the skin burns and this must be avoided”, the specialist emphasized. In addition, hours with very strong radiation must be avoided during the summer.

Dr. Ciubotaru added that the little ones should be taken to the sea from the second year of life and should be exposed to the sun, even from two months. Attention, however! Excess vitamin D can cause as much harm as lack of it, if administered by ear. For example, many 4-5 year old children end up at the doctor with kidney stones because of this.

In short, foods contain sufficient doses of calcium and vitamin D, so that there is no need for their additional prescription. This is despite the fact that many mothers administer calcium and vitamin D to their children on their own initiative or do it because they have heard that other mothers also do this, which can be very dangerous, according to doctors. As a result, these supplements should not be taken until tests show that they are needed.

2023-07-10 17:44:12
#Vitamin #doctors #advice

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