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Dangers of Nutritional Supplements: Experts Warn of Health Risks and Overdosing


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Many people take so-called nutritional supplements, vitamin pills or other types of capsules. They do this because they strive for a healthy body or are looking for easy compensation for the unhealthiness of the convenience food that the food industry serves to consumers. However, taking the tablets that are often available in the supermarket is not without danger.

One in two Australians takes nutritional supplements, research shows. It is therefore a billion-dollar industry. Nutrition expert Joanna Harnett explains in the morning program of the public broadcaster ABC that the country has one of the best regulations of such supplements in the world. But that does not alter the fact that people should pay close attention to maximum doses. She mentions iron and zinc tablets as examples, which can cause serious health damage.

Preventing such problems is very simple. Anyone who eats enough fruit and vegetables gets all the nutrients that are sold in the jars for a lot of money. It may take a little more effort, but if you don’t take the time to eat healthy, there may be more wrong with your life than just your health.

2024-02-10 10:54:02
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