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Dangers of Excessive Coconut Water Consumption

PUBLIKTANGGAMUS.COM – Pharmacologist from University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Purwantyastuti, MSc, SpFK, reminded that it is best to drink coconut water in moderation so that the body does not overdo it. potassium.

“Actually there is no special way of drinking, but it must be remembered that even though it works to overcome dehydration“We should not use coconut water to meet all water needs in a day (8-10 glasses),” said Purwantyastuti in a statement, Saturday, August 28, 2021.

According to Tuti, if taken every day, it should be limited to just enough, such as one or two glasses. Because, potassium content can be a problem if the total potassium in the body is too high because this substance will also be obtained from food.

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“Potassium that is too high can interfere with heart function. But don’t worry, as long as you don’t drink it in excess, coconut water will not cause health problems,” he explained.

The main benefit of head water is to overcome dehydration or lack of fluids in the body. The body is deprived of fluids by itself becomes unhealthy. Lack of fluids will automatically cause problems in chemical reactions in all body systems, including the system immune.

“The taste is delicious and refreshing, making coconut water easy to drink for people who are sick, automatically returning body fluids and encouraging recovery. This may be what causes people to associate coconut water with immunity,” said Prof. he said.

In addition, continued Tuti, in the body, coconut water and other body fluids become part of the blood that functions to carry oxygen to the body’s cells, which are needed by the immune system and other systems in the body to function properly.

“Moreover, adequate fluids in the body are also needed for the body’s systems to work properly in removing toxins from the body, so drinking more can help prevent toxins from building up and having a negative impact on the body’s systems including the immune system. immune,” he explained.

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