Home » today » Technology » Dangerous levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids found in popular Chamomile tea – Vitto Tea batch recalled for safety reasons

Dangerous levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids found in popular Chamomile tea – Vitto Tea batch recalled for safety reasons

Here we have another proof of how low quality and unreasonable food products arrive in the Czech Republic practically every day. The state’s agricultural and food inspection tries to detect crime, but it often happens too late, when the food in question has already been sold out and largely consumed.

A real mistake

This time the problem was found in the popular Chamomile tea from the Vitto Tea company. It is sold everywhere and people buy it in large quantities. It belongs to the cheapest products of this type. But as it turns out, it can happen that it will be above the limit of controlled substances, as was the case in this case.

An analysis in the accredited laboratory of the SZPI in Prague confirmed the above-limit content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in that tea, in the amount of 1936 micrograms per kilogram,she said to the tea search address. “At the same time, the maximum allowed level is much lower according to the relevant legal regulation – only 400 µg/kg.

The product was named batch L23083104 and can be used up to August 4, 2025. But you should not do this under any circumstances, because you could be in big trouble. In this case, the sample was taken from the Vitto Tea physical store, but this manufacturer also supplies to chain stores where you could also buy the tea.

Photo: Food on pillion

Customers don’t like it anymore

People asked the State Agricultural Survey how it was possible for something like this to happen all the time. “Again, the entrance is not controlled. “Sellers are putting people’s health at risk,” said Josef Cígler, for example. However, he was told that the system will not change.Food is not approved before entering the market. Quality and safety is guaranteed by the importer and all other articles that put the food in circulation.” replied the representative of SZPI.

Read also: Very unreasonable pasta arrived in the Czech Republic. Everyone bought them. Throw them out immediately or you’ll set it off

But perhaps this is the heart of the proverbial poodle, which manufacturers and traders often sin against. No one checks the food in advance, but only random checks are made, which, however, do not reveal almost everything.

Photo: Shutterstock

2024-04-15 16:00:00
#extremely #unreasonable #tea #arrived #Czech #Republic #buying #drink #bad

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