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Dangerous! Don’t look at the asteroid when it’s coming down to Earth


An expert astronomy reveals what cannot be done if a giant rock from outer space slides towards Earth. What’s that?

Quoted from News.com.au, Swinburne astronomer and director of the Space Technology and Industry Institute Professor Alan Duffy said if asteroid or a meteor flying towards this planet, we should try not to see it even though we are very curious.

“The best advice is don’t look at it. For God’s sake. It might be hard not to watch it, but the glare from these things when they burn in the atmosphere is dangerous,” he said in an I’ve Got News For You podcast chat.

“That’s actually what caused so many injuries in Chelyabinsk. People are acting unreasonably by looking at the huge ball of fire burning in the sky, which is basically as bright as the Sun when it finally erupts. It causes a lot of retinal damage. So make sure you don’t see it,” he continued.

The last large space rock to enter Earth was the Chelyabinsk meteor that burned in the Russian sky in February 2013. Light from meteor it briefly shone brighter than the sun and was visible up to 100 km away.

NASA has now embarked on a mission that could prevent a similar situation to the Chelyabinsk event. The United States national space agency NASA has just launched its Double . mission Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) on Wednesday (24/11), to deflect the asteroid Dimorphos from hitting Earth.

Watch Videos”Tracked by NASA, Asteroid Bennu is Predicted to Pass Near Earth
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(rns / fyk)

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