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Dangerous Dietary Habits to Avoid for a Healthy Lifestyle

Saturday, September 9 2023 | 23:44 WIB
Annisa Maulida Abidin / WDP

Healthy diet illustration.

Jakarta, Beritasatu.com – Diet is a person’s way of maintaining the amount of food consumed. The type of diet is also usually influenced by the individual’s background or the beliefs held by a particular society.

According to Ingrid Yolanda, a diet trainer, her goals are different for each person. Some people go on a diet to lose weight and maintain their weight, there are also those who aim to have a healthy lifestyle.

However, what happens if your diet actually produces the opposite result? The wrong diet is usually carried out in quite extreme and inappropriate ways. Instead of being healthy, the wrong diet will not bring results and can even lead to health risks.

Quoting from various sources, there are several dietary habits that are often followed, here are some wrong dietary habits:

No breakfast
Skipping breakfast will actually lower your mood and increase the risk of obesity. And the body’s sugar and insulin will be disturbed.

Ignore calories from drinks
Limiting calorie intake in the diet is mandatory. But unexpectedly, it turns out that fast food drinks contain high calories, even calories and sugar can be contained in fruit juice.

Eating too much protein and fat
Sometimes when dieting, we limit our carbohydrate intake and increase our protein and fat intake. However, if the protein and fat content is excessive it will harm the body, it can damage the kidneys, cholesterol and, even worse, the heart and stroke.

Eat without salt
The body needs levels of iodine or iodine, for hormone production, maintaining body fluids, maintaining nerve cell activity, muscle reaction contractions, and improving brain function. These substances are contained in salt, therefore if the body lacks the substances in salt it will harm the body.

Lack of fiber
Many people go on a diet that reduces fiber, even though fiber can improve digestion and also keep hunger at bay for longer. In fact, this can help your diet process.

Vomiting back food that has been eaten
This often happens to teenagers, even teenagers and adults in Korea who follow this diet. Dangers that the body will experience include damage to the salivary glands, osteoporosis, menstrual disorders, heart failure, constipation, and also psychological disorders such as emotional disorders.

Taking slimming medication without doctor’s advice
Many people sell slimming medicines outside of doctors and many people also consume them. This habit is dangerous, because we don’t know whether the drug content is dangerous, or whether it is appropriate to the condition of the body and even the dosage for consumption that we don’t know from the experts. Side effects include poisoning and even death

From the wrong and inappropriate diet, the body will give a dangerous reaction. The following are signs of an unhealthy diet.

1. Hair is brittle and falls out
This occurs due to a lack of protein being absorbed by the body, causing hair to become brittle and fall out. This usually occurs in someone who is on a low protein diet. Hair loss occurs due to a lack of essential fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc and iron.

2. Aging skin
A correct and healthy diet apart from maintaining a healthy body, also makes the skin healthier and delays the signs of aging. On the other hand, if you follow an incorrect diet and eat unhealthy foods, signs of premature aging will appear, such as skin becoming dull and lips becoming chapped.

3. The brain feels drained
The brain feels tired easily, has difficulty concentrating, and experiences poor memory problems. The brain’s function depends on the nutrients absorbed by the body, sometimes someone who is on a diet forgets the nutritional intake needed. This affects brain function.

4. Mood swings
Going on a diet automatically maintains your eating pattern, regulates how much you eat and when you eat at any time. If we go on an extreme diet, such as not eating at all or adjusting our diet not according to recommendations, it triggers feelings of hunger. If someone starts to get hungry, their mood will usually be very sensitive, such as being irritable, easily sad, anxious and restless.

5. Digestion is problematic
The wrong diet pattern will trigger digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation and a bloated stomach throughout the day. This problem occurs due to a lack or addition of fiber in the diet.

2023-09-09 16:44:32
#Alert #body #wrong #diet

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