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Dangerous Cold Temperatures Approaching New York Area – NBC New York (47)

What you should know

  • After a few days of more pleasant temperatures for this winter season, a drastic change is expected due to a powerful gust of arctic air in the tri-state area.
  • Highs on Friday will rise to around the freezing mark, then drop…and drop, and drop. Expect lows in the single digits in New York City on Saturday with dangerous sub-zero wind chills throughout the metro area. Temperatures pick up on Sunday and stay milder for much of the next week.
  • Snow remains out of the forecast almost entirely, except for a few small snow showers or snowflakes that have been seen on occasion. The Big Apple could set a record for the longest snowless streak in history (333 days) if we don’t see any snow by the end of the weekend.

NEW YORK — We really shouldn’t be complaining about the weather given how light the winter has been thus far. But, everything will change when the frigid air heading towards New York City touches your skin this weekend.

The cold started to set in Monday night and cold temperatures continue Tuesday with mostly cloudy skies and temperatures in the 30s and 40s. Chilling winds, in the 20s, were palpable amid a noticeably colder morning, and while some snowflakes (and rain) did fall briefly, dry conditions are expected for the rest of the day. And no, New York City won’t see any snowpack, yet.

Temperatures linger in the upper 30s and low 40s through Thursday, which is when the fall begins. Friday’s cold will probably hit close to freezing. Mother Nature turns downright sour on Saturday, with high temperatures expected in the low to mid 20s for the day and mind-numbing cold.

Waking up on Saturday, we hope you don’t have to be anywhere outside: expect single-digit lows in the city, and it will feel like -10. It will be even colder in the Hudson Valley and Connecticut (-18 in Bridgeport, -21 in Poughkeepsie).

New Yorkers enjoy the high temperatures more this season.

If you have to leave the house, be sure to bundle up warmly: it only takes 30 minutes (or less) for exposed skin to freeze, and even walking a few blocks to a subway station will feel painful, especially if you’re facing the cold. wind.

There’s good news: The bitter cold won’t be here for long. On Sunday, temperatures will climb back up to the much more tolerable 40s, along with the possibility of some rain.

It will continue to be quite nice for the first part of next week as temperatures will stay in the 40s through Thursday, with a chance of showers that day as well.

In the meantime, there won’t be a drop of precipitation while the temperatures are so frigid. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s a trend this winter.

For the first time (well, since the Ulysses S. Grant administration, at least), Central Park has seen no measurable snowfall prior to January 30 of a winter season. The last previous measurable date of snowfall in the iconic space was January 29, which occurred during the winter of 1972-73, according to National Weather Service records.

There have been a few flurries during the fall and early winter, but reaching January 30 without any snowpack on the ground sets a new record.

In a winter that has seen parts of the country battered by historic snowstorms, including other areas of the Empire State, New York City has been remarkably devoid of the white stuff. Stripped may be too light a term, considering we haven’t seen any measurable snow so far, and it’s about to be February. What else can we expect?

Well, there’s no sign of a decent snow chance for New York City in the immediate forecast, so our next records to watch include:

So will we see snow in New York City? Well, there’s no sign of a measurable snow chance for the city in the immediate forecast, so our next records to watch include:

  • The longest snowless streak in history: as of Monday, we’re six days away from eclipsing the No. 1 spot. If we get to 333 days without measurable snow in New York City, that’s the longest streak in history, and it may extend beyond that, too. .
  • The warmest January on record: as of Sunday, we have the second warmest January on record. We’re only three tens of a degree away from a tie, so we’ll see what happens over the next two days.

Snow remains out of the 10-day forecast, but the cold moves in overnight, chilling us as low as 30 degrees through Wednesday. The highs on Friday peak all day just after midnight, then drop… and drop, and drop more. Expect lows in at least single digits in the city on Saturday with dangerous sub-zero wind chills across the region.

The uptick in temperatures is thankfully short-lived, with the temperature expected to climb back above 40 on Sunday and stay there for at least the first part of next week.

First Central Park Snow Averages

Yes, we’ve technically seen snowflakes in Central Park this season, but small amounts of snow mixed with rain don’t count for weather data logging purposes.

Last winter, Central Park recorded its first measurable snowfall on December 23rd, although it was only 0.2 inches (so, you see, the “track” amounts are nothing at all). The first average measurable snowfall in the city is on December 7, so we’re already a month behind average.

Yes, we have technically seen snowflakes this season, but small amounts of snow mixed with rain do not count for weather data recording purposes. (It’s not us, it’s the National Weather Service.)

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