Home » today » News » Dandim 0623 / Cilegon His blood boils until it hits the table, angry at Effendi Simbolon’s statement. There is a video …

Dandim 0623 / Cilegon His blood boils until it hits the table, angry at Effendi Simbolon’s statement. There is a video …

Jakarta – Statements Made Effendi symbolpolitic POI Perjuanganduring the working meeting of 5 September 2022 in Gedung DPR who mentioned TNI like it assault Ormas, triggers a strong reaction. Last, Dandim 0623 Cilegon His blood boils until hit the table listen to the words Effendi symbol.

Anger a person army officer Army for the words of Effendi Simbolon he said Army band transmitted via a video.

TNI Officer The army is Lieutenant Colonel Inf Ary Widyo Prasetyo. He is the commander of the military district command (Kodim) 0623 / Cilegon, Korem 064 / Maulana Yusuf, Kodam III Siliwangi.

Alumni of the Military Academy (Amil) 2002, he appeared with a red face and full of anger for all the words of Effendi Simbolon deemed capable of damaging the solidity and integrity of the community. military authority in the eyes of the people.

Without further ado, Lieutenant Colonel Inf Ary vented his anger with strong and firm statements to Effendi Simbolon.

Not quite up there, he also slammed the table and asked PDI-P politician This is to publicly apologize for all his remarks at the budget meeting at the Indonesian Parliament Building on September 5, 2022.

The following is the statement by Lieutenant Colonel Inf Ary, furious at Effendi Simbolon’s words:

“From the western tip of the island of Java, we heard your speech, Effendi Simbolon, you said our boss Commander of the Armed Forces, Army Chief of Staff, not harmonious. You say Army bandlike organizations.

We do not accept our blood boils. You Effendi Simbolon hurt us, Soldiers of the TNI. You’re playing against our leader, you Showdown with TNI sheep. We are all soldiers of Kodim 0623 Cilegon, we are wounded.

We are dedicated to NKRI. He works 24 hours, seven days for this NKRI. You said mafia. Really painful. Efendi Simbolodin, I Dandim 0623 Cilegon together with all the soldiers, all the civil servants, the extended family of Kodim 0623 does not accept your words. We are here from the lowest to the highest elements, elements of the TNI, here we are compact and solid.

Don’t bother us, don’t spoil it again with your talk. Let’s wait apologies You openly. “

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