Home » today » Entertainment » Dancing with the Stars, Elisa Isoardi performs alone without Raimondo Todaro. Then the surprise

Dancing with the Stars, Elisa Isoardi performs alone without Raimondo Todaro. Then the surprise

Dancing with the Stars, Elisa Isoardi performs alone without Raimondo Todaro. Then the surprise. Tonight, the Piedmontese presenter had to perform alone since her teacher Raimondo Todaro is hospitalized at Gemelli for appendicitis.

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But when she was called to the Sala delle Stelle to perform, something unexpected happened. Raimondo Todaro connected via video call to stay close to his adventure partner at the moment of the exhibition. Happy for the surprise, Elisa Isoardi she performed with Raimondo connected on the screen.

«You were a sight – Raimondo said at the end of the exhibition – I was moved“. Carolyn Smith, however, raises a problem: “If a partner of the couple does not show up for the competition, in theory there is no vote. But you were very good“. In the end, by regulation, we vote. Elisa Isordi wins 42 points.

Last update: Saturday 26 September 2020, 23:10


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