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Dancing with Eva Adamczyk: StarDance 2023 Insights

How do you like dancing with Eva Adamczyk?

Great! Eva is a great talent and a hard worker. If I had another partner, I might kill her with my energy. I would have to build the choreography so as not to overshadow her, which is certainly not the goal of the competition. But Eva is very nice second to me.

You are two distinct personalities, albeit each in a different field. How are you getting along?

Eva is an individualist, she is used to relying only on herself from snowboarding, so during the first trainings she went forward on her own, did not wait, tried to take steps… She had to be taught that dancing is about a couple.

But during the countless training sessions, she became a partner. For example, during the slowfox live broadcast, I suddenly, I don’t know why, somehow found myself out of my body, I did everything automatically. It wasn’t until the assessment that I realized I didn’t even know I had danced. And Eva led the dance, she took care of me. She recognized that we were a couple and acted as part of a couple, not as an individual who was there for herself. This is a huge shift that I appreciate and am happy about.

I suddenly have to behave more like a woman, that’s probably the hardest thing for me, says Eva Adamczyková about training at StarDance

How did it feel when you were approached with an offer to perform in StarDance?

I was extremely excited, but I hid it. I already received an offer once, but then I turned it down for several reasons. This time the situation was different, I was pleased to be approached. But it was definitely not a spontaneous decision, I discussed everything with my wife Monika. We are a family with two small children, we do not live in Prague, we have a business in Ostrava, where I run the dance school MG Dance in Vítkovice. That’s why I went into it with the condition that if they choose me, I must have time to organize and prepare everything. Then when Marek Zelinka called me that I had been selected, I could no longer hide my enthusiasm.

Photo: Czech Television

You are an expert in Latin American dances. Which one did you enjoy the most?

We’ve already done the jive and the rumba, I really enjoyed the cha-chu, I won with that one. Eva had already left training and I was tuning my steps to the music until midnight so that it made sense to me. I wanted it to be a show, which hopefully we did. Now I’m preparing a paso doble, we’re dancing to unconventional music. It gives me goosebumps every time, I hope the atmosphere will seep through the screens and the audience will have the same feeling.

If you do move on, what can viewers look forward to?

My royal discipline is salsa. So Eva and I discussed that our free discipline could be Caribbean style.

What does StarDance represent in reality? It must be the so-called zhul.

It’s a hoax. And most of all now, when the transmissions are running. It started about two weeks before the first show. Until then, I had managed quite well, I had time for myself, I was still helping with the work in Ostrava. But then everything went uncompromisingly aside, because StarDance became a priority. And I adapted everything to that. I threw myself into it, I told myself that I wanted to enjoy StarDance. And I enjoy it. The result is, I hope, visible.

Even though the competition is not over yet, can you tell what StarDance gave you?

StarDance came at the right time. It gave me distance from my previous way of life, and thus perspective. And, paradoxically, also calm, because, willy-nilly, I had to concentrate on only one thing. This was exactly what I needed. I have had frequent headaches for several years. You get advice like slow down, take it easy, but I couldn’t do it. We’re all chasing each other and it’s driving us into a corner. And I was in the corner. Actually, even in the first TV medallion, I thoughtlessly slapped that what characterizes me is chaos. I don’t know why I blurted it out. Probably because I had it in my head like that. I was dealing with an awful lot of different things at once.

Until StarDance allowed me to focus on myself, fully realize myself in what I really like, dance. It also moved us forward as a family, and that’s the most. I really appreciate how it made Monika and I stronger. And another bonus is the friendship with Eva, Mark and other super people. It’s a great bunch. We have already agreed with Eva and Mark that they will come to Colors of Ostrava next year.

Participants and StarDance 2023 currently

PICTURE: Eva Adamczyková and Jakub Mazůch bet on speed in StarDance

Costume designer Roman Šolc: StarDance is a dream come true for me

You may find it useful on Firmy.cz: MG Dance

2023-11-24 04:21:55
#Dancer #Jakub #Mazůch #StarDance #boring #enjoy #News

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