Home » today » Entertainment » Dancers with glowing breasts took the mind of Vlado Penev – ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Curious

Dancers with glowing breasts took the mind of Vlado Penev – ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Curious

The actor Vladimir Penev saw glowing female breasts for the first time, he boasted.

He and Marta Vachkova are in Dubai for their birthday. During the day the two visit the museums and admire the real art, and in the evening they relax in various restaurants.

They are hosted by Marta’s classmate – Darina Pavlova, the widow of Iliya Pavlov. One evening she decided to show them the latest attraction of night Dubai glowing erotica.

While eating outdoors in the restaurant, an unprecedented show takes place in the sand. Dressed in extravagant costumes, beautiful dancers turn their asses.

Their outfits have built-in diodes that make their chests glow along with the crown of their heads and a dozen stripes on the train, the Telegraph reported.

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