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Dana Schweiger remembers flirting with Brad Pitt.

Dana Schweiger remembers flirting with Brad Pitt.

In an interview, Dana Schweiger shares a lot about her private life. On the one hand, her answers suggest that she is currently spending a lot of time with someone. On the other hand, she remembers a flirtatious experience at a gas station – back before there were cell phones and social media.

Dana Schweiger spoke in an interview with “Gala” magazine (also at RTL) about her family and her love life. “I’m totally lost in this dating world,” says the 56-year-old. “I had a few dates after my divorce, but it felt so unnatural.” She prefers to focus on her “girl gang” and has a lot of fun with her friends. However, Schweiger reveals that there is someone in her life with whom she spends a lot of time. “Status: It’s complicated. You can’t really define it, and I don’t want to.”

One unforgettable flirtation from the past stands out – Brad Pitt approached her. “I was driving a Jeep in LA,” she recalls. “I was young and attractive and had on this incredible cashmere sweater.” She stopped at a gas station, he complimented her car and sweater and she replied that she didn’t know where he was from. He offered to look. She admits: “I had no idea who he was. I was always in Germany and didn’t understand all the Brad Pitt hype.” There were no cell phones or Instagram back then, she explains. “I had no idea it was Brad Pitt.”

“I chose him to be the father of my children”

Schweiger also talks about her ex-husband Til Schweiger and their four children, who are now between 21 and 28 years old. “He is the father of my children, and he is a fantastic father,” she says. Now that they are older, she feels that they have become more mature and less selfish. “As parents, we should step back and put our children at the center. That is my family, and it will always be that way.” She describes them as a “colorful but also normal family with ups and downs. It can be funny, but it can also be intense. I think that’s healthy,” she says.

The silence between Dana and her mystery partner is often filled with understanding and shared laughter. Despite the complexity of their status, the quiet moments they share are some of their favorite.

In the past, Dana was unaware of Brad Pitt’s fame, which made their flirtatious experience at a gas station seem like an ordinary interaction between strangers, full of quiet excitement and flirting.

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