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Dan Karaty reveals: ‘I was an alcoholic for 25 years’

For years, Dan Karaty (45) – known as a jury member of several talent shows – carried a big secret with him. But after 25 years, the American thinks it’s time to come up with the truth. The dancer has just come out of rehab for his alcohol addiction, he reveals to Chantal Janzen in ‘&C Magazine’.

“I finally dare to say it out loud: I was an alcoholic for 25 years”

Then Chantal called because he wanted to share a secret with the Netherlands that he has carried with him for a long time. “I finally dare to say it out loud: I have been an alcoholic for 25 years. I’ve just come out of rehab,” says the dancer. “I wore a mask for years. Now I want to be open and honest about it. Suffering in silence was exhausting and now I look back unnecessary.”

The TV personality never realized the impact of his problem – on his own life, but also that of his loved ones. ”It broke me. Not just me, but my whole family suffered. I was constantly anxious and tense. I was emotionally absent, never mindful when I was with my family.”

“Alcoholism is a selfish disease,” Dan continues in the magazine. “I always thought I was only hurting myself, but in reality I was hurting everyone around me.”

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Dan managed to keep the problem a secret for years and even gave himself a pat on the back. “I was also proud of that: that I was so good at hiding things. That I could lead such a ‘successful’ life without anyone noticing.” As a result, the people around him and the viewers never noticed anything about this addiction.

Dan was also very disciplined, which made it even harder for people to notice: ”When I was working, I didn’t drink. Never. When the cameras were on, I felt comfortable, I was in my role. But as soon as a commercial break started, for example, I broke into a sweat. Then I had to go small talk with fellow judges, with you, for example”, explains Dan to Chantal.

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The dancer can explain exactly how this addiction has slowly crept into his life. “When I was 17, nights out with friends already ended in blackouts because I drank too much. It became a problem when alcohol became a habit. I suffered from panic attacks around people. I was afraid of social situations, even with friends. To numb that feeling, I drank. A lot.”

After being in rehab for a while. The TV personality takes a fresh look at the future. ”It feels like I’m starting my second life. Although I’m realistic, I don’t think everything is going to be easy. My Insta bio says: it’s ok not to be ok. I want to spread that message. Life doesn’t have to be perfect.”

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Dan’s manager just released a statement on his behalf: “I’ve always done my best to keep my private life private. So this next chapter is awkward in several ways, but if it only helps one family, it’s worth it. Suffering in silence has taken its toll on me and my family for too long. I’m grateful to be in a place where I can share my story, and I want to thank Chantal for helping me do that. If I With Beau tonight, I can continue my journey, in my own words,” said Dan.

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