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Damage from snow and ice – does the building insurer pay?

For a few weeks now, southern Germany has been sinking into the snow, which doesn’t just bring joy to everyone. Especially now, when the snow thaws, freezes again and new snow falls on it, the snow can slide off the roofs, the weight of the snow also changes due to the fluctuating temperatures – the snow becomes dangerously heavy, ice forms. This usually results in damage to buildings.

What about the damage to the residential building caused by the snow?

Most building insurance contracts include insurance cover for natural hazards, including what is known as snow pressure damage.

The insurance describes this as the effect of the weight of snow and ice on the building. Damage usually occurs on flat roofs or roofs with a slight slope. Damage caused by so-called roof avalanches is regularly insured, as damage caused by the weight of moving snow and ice is also covered by the insurance. This affects, for example, damage to snow guards or gutters.

However, the insurance coverage is limited to damage caused by weight.

It does not include damage that is primarily caused by movement, for example when a roof avalanche occurs on a canopy.

In addition, the insurance cover – depending on the insurance conditions – also includes damage Ice pressure includes.

Such damage occurs when there are large temperature differences between day and night. In such weather conditions – as they are currently – the snow on roofs is thawed during the day and slides down. At night temperatures below 0 degrees it freezes. If this process is repeated several times, strong snow and ice pressure occurs on the roof edge, which can lead to considerable damage in this area.

How do you proceed in detail?

It is Your job to provethat there is an insured loss.

It is important that the entire claim documented from the cause to the damage to your building. It is therefore sensible to take photos that show the cause of the damage and the damage itself.

Do you document the clean-up work, how many people worked for how long? The insurance will regularly reimburse you for your own contribution.

It is necessary to take into account the entire obligations, which can be found in the insurance conditions. The following also applies in every insured event:

  • The claim is the insurance immediately Report to.
  • There is always one Duty to mitigate damage.

You have to prevent the damage from increasing. Of course, only as far as possible. If, for example, water has penetrated the building, it must be wiped up. Particularly when there is a lot of snow you should – as far as it is possible without risk – prevent damage by clearing snow. For example, if necessary, a canopy can be turned away / tipped before it breaks.

If, despite extensive documentation, there are problems with the recognition of the insured event, the payment of the submitted invoices, the approval of an offer or even unjustified reductions, legal advice is necessary – we will examine your insured event and enforce your rights.

Photo (s): Yasmin Welz / Hertfelder

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