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Damage caused by storms: Which insurance company will pay for damage from storms, rain or hail? | Brisant.de

Damage caused by overvoltage, tap water or fire is also covered. However, it is advisable to ask the insurance company carefully and get advice if necessary. Because at Storm damage Due to overvoltage, overcurrent or short circuit, a so-called overvoltage clause must be agreed so that the insurance covers the costs.

Natural damage known as water that enters the building from the street or by flooding is not insured. If you want to cover this, you need an extra one Primary insurance.

What should you pay attention to when taking out natural risk insurance?

Natural hazard insurance is offered in addition to household contents or residential property insurance. It protects against natural damage, that is Damage caused by natural events such as floods, earthquakes, snow masses and floods.

What are natural hazards?
All damage caused by nature is defined as natural damage. These include hail, snow storms, earthquakes, landslides, landslides or floods. In some cases, this can also include lightning strikes or heavy rain. Damage caused by tap water is excluded from this.

The catch: The insurance only covers water damage if the water has reached the surface. Damage caused by ground water seeping into the masonry from below is not insured. This often makes the evidence difficult.

And: Some providers refuse to insure against certain natural risks. Houses in dangerous areas are often only insured for a lot of money or not at all. Anyone who has been affected by natural disasters may not be able to find a new insurer.

Anyone who obtains natural peril insurance should make sure that damage caused by precipitation and damage caused by backwater is included.

What does home contents insurance pay?

Home contents insurance will take effect if furniture and other furnishings are damaged. If the house or apartment has to be left for a period of time, home contents insurance will cover the costs of hotel accommodation, cleaning work, transport and storage of furniture for a certain period.

However, anyone who left their windows or doors open despite a storm will not receive any money from the insurance company.

It is also important to have sufficient insurance. Consumer advocates recommend at least 650 euros per square meter to avoid underinsurance. If this is the case, the insurance will only cover a portion of the costs for a new purchase.

Comprehensive insurance covers damage to the car

Partial insurance covers damage caused by falling roof tiles, branches and felled trees. But only if the storm was at least force 8.

Even if hail and floods damage the vehicle, comprehensive insurance will cover you partially. If a deductible is agreed, this will be deducted from the damage.

More security through comprehensive insurance

If you have parked your vehicle in an area at risk of flooding despite a police warning, the insurance company may refuse to pay the amount in whole or in part.

This is different from comprehensive insurance. It pays for damage regardless of the strength of the wind and it also applies if the damage is your own fault. As a rule, however, the insurance is not the replacement value, but only the current value of the vehicle.

2024-09-27 15:09:47
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