Home » today » World » Dallas, Texas Hourly Weather: Forecast for the weekend of November 12 | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

Dallas, Texas Hourly Weather: Forecast for the weekend of November 12 | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

families seeking shelter.you have to enter the pageapply to these. isnight the thermometer will drop.we had notices forfrost and warns himit means there ispossibility that thetemperatures in these countiespaintingbelow the purple color go downbelow 32 degrees. Yesleave home earlycover yourself very well. issomething else toconsider why with thethe pipes burst during theseconditions. Here becausezone no esá bajo alert porfrost. while this areais on alert whytemperatures will benice threads, butregardless of that,temperatures especially withpretty strong. tomorrow is aboutit will look like 26.22 degreesdegrees will be the sensationErmica and McKinney. there thatwe are all hearing thetemperatures enoughfreezing. isIt is important to dress very well.it will still feel like 30degrees despitethat the temperature willlet’s say it’s 46 degrees,but the wind will make itfeel quite confident in ourregon. the breeze will go toless diminuendo in the afternoonnight. we’ll see how he doesthe wind no longer passesblow so hard at two o’clocksensationhermic at 30 degrees. maximsbetween 55 and 58 degrees with windfrom the south, but on Mondays atsecond front it will bring

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