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Dali Company (11) Moving Postscript – Lao Na (@gouweili)

Today we talk about moving.

I tried to slowly fill in what I didn’t say last time.

It’s not guaranteed to be fun, but it’s guaranteed to be below sea level.

As we all know, after moving the old house, there is still a very important procedure to be done, which is the handover of the house.

At the time of delivery of the house, at least the following operations must be carried out:

1. Empty the house.

2. Pay the fee.

3. Contact the landlord to confirm the conditions of the house.

We do the same.

The first is to clear out the house – that is, clear out all original furniture, additional wiring, and privately added decorations. Therefore, it needs the garbage removal fee, line removal fee and decoration removal fee.

Of course, the director of the company Dali did not want to pay for it. So they wanted to put the OA office furniture for 180 pings of the certificate instead of 80 pings of the certificate.

Yes to all. When Duan Zhengchun used his rich knowledge of physics, he proposed a law: space is like a wormhole, just squash it and it will be there.

Of course, everyone thought what he meant was that when the employees walked in, the space would be cleared. It’s silly, but it fits the corporate culture.

I never thought that what he wanted to squeeze was actually the furniture left by the old tenants and the old furniture upstairs …

They left 12 desks and two conference tables! Is it a space that can be squeezed? Brain holes and black holes are two different tech trees, okay? Where are we going? Overlapping universes!

We all know the CEO likes to use one employee like two, but you don’t need to have two desks to be two!

Fortunately, after moving the desk down, he found that the barrier of physics is not that easy to break. It is his ignorant fantasy that is easy to break. There are 25 desks and an 80 ping seat.

At that moment, his first thought was: Should I use the old tenant’s thin, cheap wooden desk to stay and ditch the original high-end desk with iron drawers?

At that moment, the old man had only one thought on his mind:

I know Cancer is nostalgic, but I didn’t expect you to read old stuff instead of old feelings! If you haven’t kept the desk you’ve been in a relationship with for 30 years, why are you keeping those junk things that tenants are going to throw away?

Fortunately, Cancer’s second nature eventually restored his sanity.

Yes, you are very smart. It is to keep the money. As soon as she thought his desk was worth double the trash downstairs, she threw out the trash (desks) he had asked the old tenants to leave behind.

But the old tenant’s conference table remained.

People can’t help but wonder, is a chair okay? Why do you have a weakness for the table? The leather on the right side of the missing glass from the old conference table is still torn! Can you let it go in peace?

In the end, it wasn’t An Xinya, but our well-established desk of the president. A purchase price of over 30,000 yuan. The table is in good condition, has been used less frequently and has been tested by the original Apple factory.

Sorry, I was wrong, it was verified by the motors that the screws are working normally and there are no defects.

Because they were demolished at the resource recycling yard. The recycling price is 0 yuan, and the recycling freight is 7500 yuan. The president has since replaced his desk with a missing conference table.

Therefore, the president has not yet worked on that desk, staying at the Kaohsiung branch and refusing to come to the Taipei headquarters.

Eventually, the desk replacement dust was fixed, but the next question came right after. It’s the library. It is common knowledge that in order to pretend to possess a wealth of knowledge, every senior executive likes to fill his or her office with a few lockers of books that he has never read, understood or read.

The Dali company is of course not exempt.

When dealing with these bookcases, it’s like stumbling upon a fairy tale of the Goddess of the Lake. I just threw a locker in the car for resource recycling, as if a voice came from the car:

What you just lost was this personnel management library? Or a financial management library?

Then he replied: No, I don’t want to lose any bookshelves!

Then the goddess of resource recycling said: Very well, you are so honest, I will return the two lockers to you now and give you an extra cabinet of chicken soup for the soul.

Yes, when I got back there was indeed an extra wardrobe.

Because the staff management cabinet fell apart.

He was saved by the movers who violently mounted him. The heart, ah, bah, there are many iron brackets on the shelf to support it.

After the bookshelf was sorted out, it was the conference table incident that I presented to you last time. I won’t go into details here. Please refer to the old Dali Company (10) Moving work.

What I am talking about here is the sequel to the conference table.

After our big boss, the president of the founding company, walked into his office with a conference table at Hogwarts, the big boss said lightly to the general manager, “Old Duan, this new office is well designed.

Duan Zhengchun said: No, I did it myself.

The big boss went on to say: This office can be described as a sparrow, although it is small, it has all internal organs.

Duan Zhengchun said: Yes, if you want a bookcase with a bookcase, if you want a conference table with a conference table, you have to go through the back door to you.

He said: I mean, there are so many things in this space that it feels overwhelming.

After he finished talking, he turned on the phone and started playing Go.

Lao Na OS: Chief, aren’t you from Nagoya? Why does Kyoto speak so eloquently? If you think the decorations are too crowded, you can still talk about it like this!

Then Duan Zhengchun said with a dull face: “Old man! You can read the air, come and take down the conference table!

I said would you read the scene? The boss is still there, I can take it down in front of him!

The scene was awkward for a while.

The big boss had no choice but to come out to lighten the mood: Guan Qi is a true gentleman.

Duan Zhengchun immediately continued: There is no return from the beginning.

Big boss said: do you put it aside to play couplets with me? Wondering if you can get out first?

Lao Na OS: Boss, you really do have top marks in the Kyoto dialect!

Then we all went out and the next day the conference table disintegrated and left the boss’s office.

But it appears on the balcony, wrapped in a canvas.

Duan Zhengchun also hoped that the table would be reborn from the ashes.

Lao Na didn’t know if he was bathing in the fire or not, but the insects and ants in the bathing water definitely didn’t escape.

Rebirth is hopeless.

The second is the settlement of expenses.

It is much easier to regulate expenses and can probably be done with a couplet.

Electricity and water bills, telephone bills, no need to pay.

The final payment for the goods is the engineering payment and I always want to delay the payment.

Horizontal lot: there is no arrears.

I believe everyone should understand this. It is not only a dwarf who will always pay the department of him, but also the Dali Company.Dali is not a place outside the law, after all, and it is also governed by the law of negotiable instruments, company law and civil law.

But there is a saying that the gentleman pays, and it’s not too late for ten years, and Dali pays, and then he transfers him every two months.

Until the landlord said, your deposit …

So Duan Zhixing, the manager of Lao Na, said we will terminate the deal tomorrow.

So Lao Na had to go directly to the water and electricity company to pay the bills on the same day. To avoid parking fees, the company kindly hired a partner to pay me.

I’m just wondering, doesn’t an employee’s hourly wage exceed the parking fee?

And when the colleague took only the documents and got on the bus, the old man was even more perplexed.

I said, “Didn’t the accountant give you the money?”

He said, “What money?”

I said: “The money to pay”.

He said, “No. It’s only a few thousand dollars. They asked me to pay it first. It will be remitted to me next month along with my salary.”

I said, “You know our company costs 20,000 yuan a month for electricity bills alone, right? Electricity bills are paid together in two months.”

He said, “… Can I swipe my card to install it?”

Then finally the third element arrived, contact the landlord to see the house. That is, on the afternoon of the payment, I heard Duan Zhixing say to the landlord’s representative: “We’ve all emptied. Except the original decoration.”

Said that…”

Duan Zhixing: “Except the decoration we added later.”

Said that…”

Duan Zhixing: “Don’t worry, listen to me, this decoration is very practical. And you haven’t found a new tenant yet?”

“It really isn’t,” he said.

Duan Zhixing: “Well, look for the tenant first. If the tenant is not satisfied, we’ll clean it up again. We’ll pay the money. If they’re willing to use it, leave it to them. Either way, our company won’t run away.” .

He said, “Well, then I’ll keep the deposit first. If the tenant is not satisfied and you’ve finished the demolition, I’ll refund it to you. Our house won’t run away anyway.”

Duan Zhixing: “Okay, I’ll take it down.”

Later, the representative’s eyes moved out of the house again.

Said that…”

Duan Zhixing: “Oh, that’s the main unit of the separate air conditioner.”

Said that…”

Duan Zhixing: “Don’t worry, just listen to me.”

He said, “Leave that, we can blow it up.”

After that, it’s after the move. It is also trivial, save it for next time.

See you next time.

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