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Daily Updates on Russian Invasion of Ukraine: May 12, 2023

Promptly about the main thing May 12

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine lasts 443 days. Against the backdrop of failures at the fronts and general nervousness among the invaders, decadent moods are growing. So, some accuse their accomplices of cowardice and surrender, and some even raise waves of panic against the backdrop of the threat of a counteroffensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In this material “Telegraph” talks about the main events in Ukraine and the world on May 12, but you can get more up-to-date information in our Telegram channel by this link.

14:24 Russian troops shelled a farm in the village. Cherneshchina in the Izyum region. As a result of enemy shelling died man.

12:00 Russian occupiers are training to leave Zaporozhye NPP. This was stated to Radio Liberty by the head of Energoatom Petr Kotin. According to him, the invaders have already conducted exercises on rapid evacuation from Energodar if the Armed Forces of Ukraine launch a counteroffensive.

“They are all preparing for the evacuation and even had training there on very quick collections and on loading all this property that they looted and leaving the station on the first call, on the first command, when it is required,” — stressed Kotin.

11:00 President Vladimir Zelensky did not plan to appeal to Eurovision fans, said his press secretary Sergey Nikiforov. The data published by The Times, he called untrue.

Due to fighting and shelling in six regions some Ukrainians remain without electricity. This applies to residents of Donbass, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson and Chernihiv regions.

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10:35 Russian aviation once again struck at the border of the Chernihiv region. Also at night and in the morning, mortar attacks were recorded in the Sumy region.

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9:00 Deputy Minister of Defense Anna Painter confirmed that over the past week, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not lost a single position in Your luck.

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Meanwhile in Moscow a factory that manufactures engines for Russian fighters was on fire.

8:00 a.m. General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shared fresh statistics on enemy combat losses:

Losses of Russia in Ukraine 05/12/2023

in the temporarily occupied Melitopol in the early morning there was a powerful explosion. Local residents write that it is heard in different parts of the city.

7:00 Thanks to the successful counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area Bahmut, our military managed to reduce the intensity of hostilities on the territory of the city itself. In general, the situation on this segment of the front continues to be tense. The enemy is trying to attack in other areas. Details are in the latest analysis of battle maps in Ukraine.

Map of battles in Donbass 05/12/2023

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also did not stand aside and published information about the events at the front over the past day:

06:10 We’ve got some more nightly news for you that you might have missed:

  • at night, explosions were heard by residents, at least Zaporozhye, Kherson and Donetsk regions. Also for the southern regions Dnepropetrovsk region the danger of shelling from the temporarily occupied territories was announced;
  • President’s Evening Address Vladimir Zelensky hinted that after communicating with the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, intelligence, as well as international partners, he is preparing to announce “very important news.” They should affect both the defense of cranes and relations with foreign partners;
  • on Kherson direction the Russians began to mine the coastal zone of the Dnieper in order to complicate the advance of the Ukrainian forces during the counteroffensive. Also, the enemy is forced to “scatter forces” due to the fact that he does not understand where the attack can start from, – Natalya Gumenyuk, spokesman for the Southern Defense Forces;
  • Zelensky could refuse to give a speech about the war in Ukraine during “Eurovision”, writes The Times.

06:00 Abrams tanks will do to Ukraine at the beginning of autumn, – the head of the Pentagon, Austin.

05:00 APU started to form operations for the counteroffensive, – CNN.

03:00 During the day, the invaders fired at six communities in the Sumy region: 80 explosions and 17 shellings were recorded in the region, – OVA.

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02:15 Explosions thundered in Zaporozhye, an air raid alert was announced.

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01:20 In Kramatorsk and Kherson thundered explosions.

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01:00 Zelensky approved a comprehensive strategic plan for reforming the law enforcement system in Ukraine.

00:00 EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell believes that China has already lost the opportunity to mediate in the war unleashed by Russia.

European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson claims that the EU has not recorded significant arms smuggling from Ukraine to Europe, and isolated cases have been identified by law enforcement officers.

Read about what happened on May 9 in the material: War — day 440: the occupiers “celebrate” May 9 with missile terror in Ukraine and put heavy pressure on Bakhmut

You can find out about the main events on May 10 in the publication: War – day 441: AFU beat the invaders near Bakhmut, and Russian shelling of cities does not stop

The data for May 11 can be found in the broadcast: War – day 442: the invaders “rake” near Bakhmut from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but continue to attack

2023-05-12 11:24:44

#War #Day #Fierce #fighting #continues #east #pressure #occupiers #grows

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