Home » today » World » Daily Mail on Pispirigou: Like a loving mother before the fatal dose to Georgina – 2024-04-01 04:10:31

Daily Mail on Pispirigou: Like a loving mother before the fatal dose to Georgina – 2024-04-01 04:10:31

Rula Pispirigou and the Joint Jury’s decision to unanimously sentence her to life imprisonment for Georgina’s death were reported for the online edition of the British Daily Mail.

“Life imprisonment for the Greek mother who murdered her 9-year-old quadriplegic daughter. While she had previously posed for the last photo with the child presenting herself as a loving parent,” is the title of the article.

The text states that Roula Pispirigou killed Georgina with ketamine and is also being investigated for the deaths of her other two children, Malena and Iris.

The presentation of the case by the Daily Mail

In the report, the insistence of the 34-year-old mother that she is innocent during the long trial is emphasized.

Columnist James Reynolds analyzes the case, which shocked our country. “A woman who murdered her 9-year-old quadriplegic daughter Georgina was sentenced to life in prison in Greece as she was found guilty of premeditated murder,” he writes. Georgina had suffered epileptic seizures in 2021 as a result of which she is a quadriplegic unable to move her limbs, explains the copywriter.

“The Loving Mother”

Roula Pispirigou was found to have poisoned her daughter with ketamine in 2022. The child was hospitalized for months as she suffered seizures that gradually left her paralyzed. The court found that her mother had also tried to kill her during at least one of her previous stays at the Karamandane Hospital in Patras, but the initial attempt failed, leaving the 9-year-old paralysed.

In his report, the journalist focuses on the last photo of the 34-year-old with Georgina in the hospital bed.

“Pispirigou had posed for a final photo with Georgina, portraying herself as a doting mother, smiling at her young daughter before giving her the fatal dose of anesthetic in January 2022.”

The mother has been in jail for about two years, while also awaiting a verdict in the deaths of Malena, 3.5 years old, who died in 2019, and Irida, 6 months old, who died in 2021.

Georgina had suffered epileptic seizures in 2021 as a result of which she is a quadriplegic unable to move her limbs. She was hospitalized for 8 months, where she died on January 29, 2022. Medical staff who testified in court confirmed that her mother had been left alone with the 9-year-old before her sudden death.

“Court documents, as reported by local media, said an autopsy had revealed Georgina died from a fatal dose of ketamine 20 minutes after it was administered. The medical staff had visited the 9-year-old just an hour before she died,” the same report states.

“National Outcry”

Roula Pispirigou was arrested after questioning, when the examination of Georgina’s muscle tissue revealed the presence of an anesthetic, which the doctors had not administered.

The 34-year-old was charged with the murder of the 9-year-old exactly one year ago, on March 30, 2022, with the case causing a storm of reactions.

The Daily Mail speaks of a “national outcry” and refers to the cheering of protesters outside her home. “Shortly after her arrest, riot police were deployed outside the court as people had gathered and were cursing her. After she was charged, protesters also gathered outside her home,” it said.

Grigoris Leon and his role in the case

The article also mentions medical examiner Grigoris Leon and his role in the case, who stated that the exhumation of her other children in 2022 confirmed that “criminal acts were the cause of death.”

“The Greek media called Pispirigou, “modern Medea”. The 34-year-old has steadfastly maintained her innocence throughout the trial, which began last January. Pispirigou’s mother said after the charges were filed that she did not believe her daughter was capable of killing the three children. The court finally ruled that Pispirigou committed both crimes of premeditated homicide and attempted premeditated homicide,” he concludes.

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