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Daily Horoscope Predictions for July 2 by G. Jayachandra Raj

Aries (Ashwati, Bharani, Kartika for those born up to 1st part): Failure in business, fear of danger, loss, loss of will, mental strain, enmity are seen. After one o’clock in the day, there is a mix of pros and cons.

Idavam (Kartika last third, Rohini and Makairam first half for those born): Karyavijaya, Suhridasamagam, health and enthusiasm are seen. After one o’clock in the day, one sees business failure, fear of danger, loss, mental strain, financial problems and enmity.

Mithuna (Makairam 2nd quarter, Thiruvathira, Punartham for those born up to 1st quarter): Sees business success, friendship, recognition, competitive success, promotion, sports success. Negotiations can be successful.

Cancer (Punartham last quarter, Puyam, Ayyalam): Inactivity, restlessness, upset stomach, slowness of action, mental difficulty, travel hindrance are seen. Business success, recognition, legal success and health are seen after one o’clock in the day.

Leo (Makam, Puram, Utram for those born in the first quarter): Failure in business, restlessness, poor physical health, hindrance in travel, indigestion, sluggishness, displacement.

Virgo (for those born up to the last third of Utram, Atham and first half of Chitira): Sees career success, enthusiasm, promotion and gain of position. After 1 o’clock in the day, you see problems, restlessness, mental strain, fear of accidents, travel problems, stomach problems, body fatigue and financial problems.

Libra (Chitira 2nd half, Choti, Visakha for those born up to 1st 3rd): Failure in business, strife, argument, disharmony, quarrel, enmity are seen. After 1 o’clock in the day, business success, gain of position, health, gain of position, promotion and favorable relocation meeting are seen.

Scorpio (Visakha last quarter, Anizham, Triketa for those born): Career success, health, gluttony and enthusiasm are seen. After one o’clock in the day, one sees business failure, fear of danger, loss, mental strain, ill-will and enmity.

Dhanu (Moolam, Puradam, Uthradam for those born up to the first quarter): Problems in affairs, laziness, financial obstacles, expenses, mental strain, travel obstacles are seen. After one o’clock in the day, they see success in business, gain in utility, health, abundance of good food and friendship.

Makaram (for those born up to Uthradam last third, Thiruvonam, Avitam first half): Karyavijayam, Bandhusamagam, Dhanayoga, health are seen. After 1 o’clock in the day, they see trouble in business, laziness, expense, financial trouble, ill health, travel trouble, wasteful expenditure.

Kumbha (Avittam 2nd quarter, Chatayam, Pururuttati for those born upto 1st quarter): Sees success in business, relationship with relatives, success in exams, health. Travels can be successful.

Pisces (Pururutati last quarter, Uthrittati, Revathi): Obstruction in business, stomach trouble, obstruction in travel, poor physical condition, financial obstruction, sluggishness of activity. Business success, recognition, health and legal success are seen after one o’clock in the day.

Content Summary: July 02 Sunday/ Daily Prediction by G. Jayachandra Raj

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