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Daily Horoscope June 11 – Treat yourself this weekend, Sagittarius! † Horoscopes


Under the influence of Uranus, a process has been going on for some time in your spiritual life that gradually turns you into a different state of mind. You will be more and more willing to revise or discard old traditions, norms and values. Traveling to sacred sites will inspire you.


Just like any other person, you will increasingly want to adjust the rules of conduct to your own liking. A mentor can guide you in this and you gradually find out what works for you and what doesn’t. Be more careful than usual; you tend to push your physical limits; don’t get reckless.


It is essential to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs this weekend. Make some time for yourself. Do you have rose-colored glasses on your nose? It is then time to turn it off to avoid disappointment.


A political meeting in your neighborhood can broaden your horizons and provide interesting relaxation. Perhaps you decide to participate in public life yourself. Your influence can increase and provide many opportunities.


Your diet could be a problem this weekend. Stay away from fattening treats and places where it smells tempting. Try delegating some work if you’re about to collapse under an extra workload.


Everything points to an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Go out with your family. Talk to children like good friends to gain insight into what is on their mind. Speculation can be helpful at this point.


If you like comfort, you may be able to make some changes in your home or immediate environment. A stroke of paint, colorful cushions, etc. can contribute a lot to the atmosphere. Also consider your partner.


Charm and humor can help you be persuasive. A good conversation with a child or neighbors clears the air and provides information that you can use. Reading is to your advantage, especially articles that teach you to function better.


Minor misunderstandings with someone close to you can be resolved quickly. An afternoon of shopping is useful for taking the stress out of a busy week. The relationship with your loved one is getting closer and closer.


Countless ideas and possibilities can occupy you, and even if you have a lot of energy, don’t overdo it. Your organizational talent will come in handy for the festivities that are on the agenda. A hobby opens doors.


This weekend, go in search of inner peace, do little, come up with a story and spoil yourself. Your emotional state affects your health and general well-being. You are socially good when you are in balance.


Due to all kinds of obligations you can run out of time. Don’t promise more than you can deliver. The road to hell is littered with good intentions and you could disappoint loved ones. Pay close attention in traffic.


If you have to work, you can experience that colleagues and bosses have many questions. Your opinion is obviously appreciated. Don’t be afraid of the consequences if you’re saddled with extra responsibilities.


Simple pleasures that allow you to distance yourself and relax are probably what you most crave. But if someone invites you to something festive, go, because you can meet a nice person.

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