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Daile Theater Premiere of the melodrama “Welcome, Sadness”

On November 16, the premiere of Klava Mellis’ production of the melodrama “Welcome, Sadness”.

The show was created by the already acclaimed director Klāvs Mellis, in close cooperation with one of the most professionally interesting directors of the movement, Rūdolfs Gediņš, enriching the production with an expressive movement language.

Director Klāvs Mellis: “At the time the novel was written, it was quite scandalous, because it was about the relatively loose sexual relations of young people and the frivolous lifestyle. In the show, we emphasize the story of growth, which means, among other things, being aware of the consequences of actions. Working in a close team, we have thought that scenography and movement will become another powerful means of expression in the show. ”

“Every movement in the production, like the name, belongs to a genre-true melodrama,” says the director of the movements, Rūdolfs Gediņš.

“Greetings, Sadness,” is the first and perhaps best book by French cult writer François Sagana in just seven weeks. Everything changes on the day that Anna’s old girlfriend, Anna’s old mother, arrives, Anna cares about the girl’s future and her heart is not indifferent to the girl’s father. enjoy the first love, the sun and entertainment, so twist the intrigues from which there is no going back.

Ilze Ķuzule Skrastiņa, Anna’s role: “The hero I play cares about these people, they are an important part of her life. In good faith, she wants to help these people and, yes, to change their attitudes towards life and responsibilities. Unfortunately, her efforts are perceived as a threat and evil intrigue leads to unbearable frustration. Sadness can be different, it can be depressing and destructive, but it is just as well hidden in a carefree lifestyle, but the sadness that is present in these different ways ultimately suggests that every action has consequences. ”

Starring: Ilze Ķuzule Skrastiņa (Anna), Andris Bulis (Reimons), Milēna Miškevica (Sesila), Katrīna Griga (Elza) and Niklāvs Kurpnieks (Kirils).

The authors of the scenography and costumes of the show are Ance Strazda and Andris Kaliņins. Lighting artist Jānis Sniķeris, music director Kārlis Tone.

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