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Dahlan Iskan: Initially I Agree with the Immediate Establishment of a BUMN Superholding Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Issue formation superholding state-owned enterprises ( BUMN) like Temasek Holdings belonging to Singapore is back in the air, after the President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama expressed his frustration with management Ministry of BUMN.

Former SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan said the formation plan superholding it is nothing new. This idea has emerged since the first BUMN Minister, or at that time was still called the State Minister for SOE Empowerment, Tanri Abeng.

He also admitted that he had supported the acceleration of the formation plan superholding BUMN.

Also read: Sindir Ahok, Stafsus Erick Thohir: Don’t Hurry to Form Superholding

“Initially I was one of those who agreed with the formation superholding immediately. As well as a sign of the end of the Ministry of BUMN, “he said, quoted from the official website, Disway.id, quoted on Thursday (17/9/2020).

However, Dahlan was aware of the formation superholding cannot be done quickly. There are various regulations that need to be adjusted in advance so that the plan can be realized.

“Especially the Banking Law (Act). Is it realistic to impose it, “he said.

Furthermore, Dahlan assessed, the formation process superholding run relatively slowly. This is because the government needs to establish holding state-owned companies by sector first.

“But, holding demi holding formed. It’s slow, but it can’t be said to be on the move, ”said Dahlan.

The man who also served as the President Director of PT PLN (Persero), also highlighted the statement Ahok, which mentions the establishment superholding must be completed before President Joko Widodo’s term ends.

“If that really happens, even President Jokowi and BTP will be recorded forever in the history of BUMN,” he said.

Also read: Meeting Erick Thohir, Ahok: My Criticisms and Suggestions Are Well Received

Previously, President Commissioner of Pertamina Ahok suggested that the Ministry of BUMN be dissolved. According to him, many state corporate governance has been inefficient.

He suggested that hundreds of BUMNs that exist today should be managed truly professionally and far from political interests. Indonesia can imitate what the Singapore government has done by forming Temasek.

“The BUMN Ministry should be disbanded. We are building a kind of Temasek, a kind of Indonesia Incorporation,” said Ahok, quoted from a broadcast uploaded by the United States Channel YouTube account.

Also read: Ahok Suggests Just to Disband the Ministry of BUMN, What is the reason?

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