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Dagestan Riot: Impact on Russia’s Image and World Relations

True, the organizers of the riot did not manage to find any Jews. As it has now become clear, 15 Israeli citizens who flew from Tel Aviv to Moscow with a stopover in Makhachkala managed to be evacuated from the plane in time, transferred to a bus and brought to safety not without incident.

At one point, the crowd in the airport territory had menacingly surrounded a man who allegedly looked like the son of Israel, but the found victim managed to convince the crowd that he was Uzbek, Muslim and himself ready to join the Jew hunters. Thus save yourself from imminent tearing.

The rioting continued from the afternoon until late at night, which suggested that these were mass disturbances, if not organized by the Dagestan authorities themselves, then at least sanctioned by them. Only after the Makhachkala disaster had already become news no. 1 around the world, the power structures intervened and fairly quickly and quite brutally (judging by the available phone video)

the crowd dispersed. About 100 participants of the riot were arrested, and as a result of the clashes, about 20 were injured (mostly “silovikas” were severely beaten). There is no news about the dead (two injured are said to be in a serious condition), but it is impossible to say for sure that this time we managed to do without victims. Information from this region is not very reliable.

Several questions arise. Is Russia’s Dagestan (nominally an autonomous republic) included in Europe at all? How will this upheaval affect Russia’s image in the world and, therefore, the attitude towards Russia’s aggression in Ukraine? What does this upheaval mark in the world at large?

It is clear that Dagestan is not Europe mentally and culturally. I was there back in Soviet times and experienced an impressive culture shock, seeing a man in a long robe, with a high karakulada hat on his head (in summer) and a shotgun in his hands, walking across the field in a remote rural village. Literally just like in the popular movie “White Desert Sun” in those days. I don’t think much has changed there since those days. Therefore, the question should be asked differently: Is Dagestan in the legal space of Russia, and is Russia itself still in Europe?

It just seems that even if one could try to write off the turmoil in Dagestan to the outskirts of Islamic Russia, the separation of Makhachkala from Moscow has become only apparent. Even more so if we connect this disturbance with the visit of the leaders of the terrorist organization “Hamas” to Putin in the Kremlin just a few days before. With this upheaval, Russia confidently and most likely deliberately places itself outside the European cultural space, as if saying: if we are still European in appearance, then mentally we are no longer. Now we want to be considered by the “global South”.

From Latvia’s point of view, the most important thing is how such incidents refer to Russia’s image in the world, because the world’s support for Ukraine depends on it. In Western countries, which are the main providers of real (military and financial) support to Ukraine, these Jewish riots further deepen Russia’s anti-rating. So it’s like good. But the world is not just the West.

Unfortunately, during the last half century, the West itself has mostly been engaged in pouring ashes on itself, self-deprecation and self-destruction. Blaming myself for all the world’s troubles since the time of Moses and before. As they say: reap what you sow. Time to harvest these destructive theories.

Every day it becomes more and more difficult to vote in support of the values ​​that the West once had at the UN. I say once, because today you won’t be able to say what those Western values ​​are. There is nowhere near consensus on this. The agenda of Western intellectuals has almost completely moved from the real world to the imaginary, where the most important issues are the use of family pronouns and which forests are cut down first – old or new, according to the scriptures of climate neutrality.

Meanwhile, the global South laughs at the West’s fascination with the new, well-forgotten Marxist/progressive quasi-religion. Putin openly rubs his hands in the Kremlin and openly urges the leaders of “Hamas” to be more secure. That is, for the more irresponsible, because Russia’s main export is no longer oil and gas, but chaos, confusion and uncertainty. A general movement of things and concepts has begun. Everything that a few years ago was considered stable and eternal like a rock, such as peace in Europe and all the conditional Norths, has now begun to wobble and become difficult.

If anyone thinks I’m exaggerating, just look at Germany. To a country that, over the past 30 years, has embodied an almost indecently submissive peacefulness. Who is the most popular minister in the current government? If someone had said this three years ago, no one would have believed it. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. The same one who warns about the possibility of war in Europe and calls for active arming. Listen: German defense minister calls for active arming. Could this have been imagined a couple of years ago? Not forever. It was a position in which militant feminists, opponents of militarism (Christine Lambrecht, before her Annegret Kramp-Karenbauer) ordered.

On the one hand, Putin has supposedly awakened the West from a long sleep in a lethargic sleep, but on the other hand, with his hooligan behavior, he has also set in motion the forces of chaos, which are uncontrollable and can devour anything. Both the West, Putin himself, and half the world. Therefore, they are uncontrollable and unpredictable.

Putin’s calculation is simple. He is well aware that in a “normal” situation he has no chance of winning globally. Sooner or later the economic, technological and military superiority of the West will crush him. The only chance for Putin to get out of the impasse he got himself into by starting the adventure of February 24, 2022, is to create an “abnormal” situation in which the processes go on an uncontrollable course. Going by this logic, the more mess in the world, the better.

From this point of view, the Makhachkala debacle is another way to rock the conditional boat in which we are all sitting. Yes, Putin and the Russia he governs can also suffer, but as stock market speculators often say, the risk is already included in the price. If nothing is done, loss is inevitable in the near or far future, so action must be taken. If it is possible to ignite a major global fire, then there are hopes (not too high, but still some) to steal something from the bustle and in the end get out of hiding (sneak out of a bunker in Altai) with at least something in your hands.

Our plan, that is, the West’s, should be the opposite. Ukraine should be helped to crush the dragon of evil before it manages to collect any bigger soap. The more and louder we remind the world of this, the greater the hope that it will be heard in the so-called decision-making centers.

2023-10-31 03:15:08
#Jewish #mayhem #part #Putins #yukmaking #plan

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