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Dagbladet experiences: – Huge oil quarrel behind the scenes

HURDALSSJØEN (Dagbladet): It is the oil policy that creates the greatest rift between the party leaders in Hurdal.

This is confirmed by Dagbladet by people close to the talks between the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party. Also NRK get informed the same.

The Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party largely agree on oil policy. According to Dagbladet, SV demands that the other two parties move further in their direction than has been the case so far.

Dagbladet knows that Ap wants SV itself to withdraw from polls, not feel pressured by the Center Party. Such a “thank-us” message may come in connection with the oil talks that are taking place now, although optimistic voices still point out that as long as the three parties are in the same room and talking together, the country can have a new red-green government.

OIL DISPUTE: It is a question of the future of Norwegian oil and gas that creates the greatest rift in Hurdal, Dagbladet is told. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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High shoulders

Dagbladet is also described that the tension is now greater between the negotiating delegation in Hurdal.

The mood was good at the end of last week, but in step with increasingly demanding discussions about oil policy, the shoulders are considerably higher now than before.

Dagbladet has revealed that Jonas Gahr Støre’s plan was that the surveys should have been completed as early as last Friday. The plan was to take a weekend off, and then start actual government negotiations on Monday morning.

But the distance between Sp and SV is greater than first estimated, and the polls are now three days of overtime.

Planned oil victory

Dagbladet has described SV’s demands in the polls as “extremely hard”.

There are two types of exploration licenses that are granted on the Norwegian shelf. New immature areas are allocated in numbered licensing rounds. Here, according to Dagbladet’s information, there are great opportunities to get a blank victory, but Dagbladet is familiar with – as Dagbladet recently wrote – that it is not good enough for SV.

Oil policy has long been a source of unrest between the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party. Most recently last week, Labor leader Jørn Eggum went out and accused SV of not having a bearing on oil.

– SV is our social conscience, it is important to have them in government. But they have no idea about oil policy, said leader of Fellesforbundet, Jørn Eggum, to Dagbladet.

Dagbladet is aware that the Labor Party had already this spring outlined an oil victory that SV could get in the government. According to Dagbladet’s experience, SV has been offered that almost no new fields are opened for oil exploration, which is a bit expensive for many in the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party.

SV demands more

The distance between the parties is made visible by what Dagbladet could recently tell – even this is too bad for SV, which writes more than a near-stop for new fields.

Dagbladet was able to report yesterday that it was the Center Party that ensured that there were polls. Both the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party were ready to go straight into real government negotiations already last week, as far as Dagbladet is aware.

But Vedum and co. wanted to have probes first.

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