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DACA recipients can now apply for mortgages from the US Housing Administration

Since January 19, 2021, the beneficiaries of IF They will now be able to apply for mortgages from the Federal Housing Administration of the United States (FHA, for its acronym in English).

In a official statement, the FHA clarified that it made this decision after reviewing a section of its Single Family Home Manual. This section reads: “Non-US citizens without legal residence in the United States are not eligible for mortgages insured by the FHA“.

By excluding people “without legal residence” in the US, the FHA manual leaves out DACA recipients. This, despite the fact that dreamers They have a legal stay in the country but, in effect, they are not residents or citizens of it.

That is why the FHA decided to waive what this section says. So, from now on, it will allow DACA users to apply for mortgages even if they do not have their citizenship or residency.

The FHA clarified that, in the coming days, it will modify the section of its manual to make the corresponding corrections.

What will the dreamers to be able to apply for mortgages?

DACA recipients who wish to apply for a mortgage with the FHA will have to meet these requirements like everyone else:

  • The property for which you are taking the mortgage is your primary residence.
  • Valid Social Security number.
  • Permit to work in the United States issued by USCIS.

If he work permit of a dreamer They are valid for one year but you have already renewed it before, then the lenders can assume that this permit will be renewed again.

Instead, if the DACA recipient does not have a history of renewing their permit, the lender has the right to know if there is a likelihood that this benefit will extend its term.

For more information, you can call the FHA at 1-800-225-5342. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm (US Eastern Time).

You also can visit this website or send an email to [email protected]

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