More than 70 school buses were inspected this Thursday by the inspection team of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications (MTT), together with the Traffic Accident Investigation Section (SIAT) of Carabineros de Chile and the Institute of Occupational Safety, with in order to ensure the safety of the children and adolescents who use this school transportation service.
A few days before the new school year began, the regional authorities began to carry out the inspection, but in addition, the School Insurance training was carried out earlier and all the information was given to the transporters, in charge of transporting the children and girls to their respective educational centers.
The presidential delegate, Fabio López, highlighted this activity and explained that the idea of delivering this voluntary seal to 75 vehicles belongs to associations of the city of Rancagua and recommended that parents and guardians choose these vehicles that have this seal. which indicates that they have been reviewed and certified by Carabineros.
Given the proximity of the return to classes, the delegate indicated that measures have been taken together with the Seremi of the MTT and the regional government and called on people to plan their trips, and then make some hours of entry more flexible and do not generate traffic congestion.
Flavia González: “Check who they hire”

In that same order, the Seremi of the MTT, Flavia González, indicated that this first inspection is voluntary and that parents, when hiring school transportation, can consult through the ministry’s website, placing the school transportation patent that is hiring, to find out if you are registered.
González highlighted that by consulting the MTT page you will also be able to find out about the people transporting the child and his assistant, and whether they are authorized to work with minors.
Seremi announced that they will also carry out this in Pichilemu, Rengo and other communes that are asking for this inspection to be carried out.
He called to “review who we are hiring, to have this direct contact and parents to educate their children, because they are a reflection of the home.
Regarding transport that is not registered, Flavia González clarified that they will not be able to make the transfer and if they are supervised by MTT and Carabineros personnel, their driver will be fined and the vehicle will not be able to circulate from that moment on.

Max Jiménez: “It is important that they carry the seal”

The General Chief of the Sixth Zone of Carabineros, Max Jiménez, when asked about the inspection work of that police force, indicated that, once the review was carried out, everyone complies with the regulations and is in optimal condition.
“It is important that they carry the seal, because it is already a vehicle reviewed, inspected and controlled by Carabineros, to be able to be used in school transportation,” said Jiménez.
María José Díaz: ISL did the training

Díaz explained that the stamps installed in the transports have a QR code, where they can capture with their phones and it will automatically take them to the ISL page, where it is specified what they should do in the event of a school accident on the way or within the school day.
Elcira Vásquez: Massive inspection

Elcira Vásquez Carvajal, president of the Rancagua School Transportation Association (AGTER), said she was satisfied because the training and inspection has been carried out on a massive scale, where the review of documents was carried out, so that the driver has the corresponding license. and that through the RUT it can be verified in the Civil Registry whether or not they are authorized to work with children.
“As a transporter, it is our job, just as parents have the responsibility of taking care of who takes their children,” said Vásquez Carvajal.
Marcella Riffo: Confident kids and parents

“Children and parents can be sure that they will ride well and in vehicles in good condition and with staff who are all professionals,” he said.
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