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D.C. experts leak?Hong Kong media see through: Biden is putting pressure on Taiwan-Politics-China Times News

An expert from the Center for Strategic and International Studies of the Washington think tank, Ge Laiyi, said in an interview recently that since President Biden took office, he has stated in multiple statements his expectations for the resumption of cross-strait talks. After all, the lack of cross-strait dialogue is dangerous, and the United States does not I want to go to war with China, so I don’t want bilateral relations to be led by “distrust.” In this regard, the Hong Kong media bluntly stated that this is the pressure of the Biden administration to promote talks on Taiwan to manage the crisis in the Taiwan Strait.

The Hong Kong media “China News Agency” commented on the 5th that Graeyi accepted an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and talked about the Taiwan issue. He said that Biden has shown support for Taiwan in multiple statements after he took office. Will the mainland take the United States and Taiwan? The development of relations is regarded as “crossing the red line” and is the focus of follow-up observations; but it is certain that the Biden administration believes that the lack of dialogue between the two sides of the strait is dangerous, so it will move in the direction of encouraging renewed dialogue between the two sides.

Regarding Sino-U.S. relations, G Laiyi pointed out that the biggest difference between Biden and former President Trump is that he will not label China as an “rival”, and Biden will open the door to improving bilateral relations; after all, Biden has just taken office. There is still room for stability and improvement on both sides. Glaoyi further explained that Sino-US relations are still competitive in nature. The United States does not want to go to war, nor does it hope that their relations are full of mistrust. Therefore, both China and the United States should see each other’s current situation clearly and start from the areas where they can cooperate. Mitigating mistrust during cooperation and beginning to reshape the relationship.

In this regard, Hong Kong media commented and criticized that although the Biden administration encourages cross-strait dialogue, everyone knows where it can go, because the US pressure on Taiwan to promote talks is still not strong enough, and it has planted many variables on the Taiwan Strait issue. The commentators also emphasized that they believe that the United States does not want war between China and the United States or the Taiwan Strait because “no one can afford it.”

(Zhongshi News Network)

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