Czechs regularly shop with us. We are no longer talking about exceptions, but about common practice. We asked Czechs what irritates them most when shopping. Without a doubt, they pointed to their own compatriots. – I feel sorry for the Poles. I’m ashamed of the Czechs – one of the Czech women tells us.
Every fifth Czech does shopping in Poland – we read on the front page of the Czech daily ” Mladá Fronta Dnes “. The newspaper referred to a study conducted by the portal Akční It shows that 21 percent of Czechs go shopping to Poland, and as many as 10 percent do it every week. This is primarily the result of lower prices. 68 percent of respondents admit that this is the main reason for these shopping trips. A comparison in the newspaper shows that a basket of specific basic food products bought in Poland costs almost 30 percent less than in the Czech Republic.
Czechs love shopping in Poland
Shopping in Poland is a common phenomenon for Czechs. They regularly exchange experiences and advice on where to save the most in Poland. They serve this purpose, among others: Facebook groups. One of them, POLSKO – nákupy, tips a doporučení (i.e.: POLAND – shopping, advice and recommendations), brings together over 200,000 people. There, one of the users recently asked perversely: “what annoys Czechs the most when shopping in Poland?”. The discussion was dominated by the answer “other Czechs”. So we asked the Czechs who shop with us whether their countrymen really bother them the most.
“I feel sorry for Poles and I am ashamed of our nation”
– I like shopping in Poland, but what Czechs do there is terrible. I feel sorry for Poles and I am ashamed of our nation. I hope that over time this will change and our people will be friendly and nice like Poles, says Pavla in an interview with – I admire Polish saleswomen. If I were them, I would politely send the Czechs to where the crayfish hibernate, adds Marek, who tells us that he regularly shops on the Polish side of the border.
– I only buy things that I currently need for two weeks. It’s about 25-30 percent here. cheaper. What really annoys me are the hordes of Czechs who shop until their baskets burst, says Marek. Pavel sees a similar problem with the Czechs. – Czechs buy large amounts of food or fuel, and then, for example, a Pole goes shopping and cannot get anything because the Czechs will buy it. I often go shopping and only want, for example, a kilogram of chicken breasts, and they are gone, because the Czech in front of us has a full shopping cart – he reports his shopping adventures in Poland. Tomas, who shops on the Polish side of the border several times a week, says that when Czechs go shopping, suddenly “they need everything, preferably five times.”
“They act arrogant”
In addition to buying excessive amounts of food, Czechs do not like the way their compatriots behave in stores. – When I see Czechs shopping, they behave terribly. They throw away the goods when they are looking for something and leave it there. I’m Czech, but I don’t like the way my compatriots behave, Pavla tells us. Tomas also draws attention to this chaos, complaining about the shopping carts that, according to him, Czechs leave in the parking lot. – They act arrogantly, as if they owned the store – he adds. All our interlocutors complain that Czechs enter stores “as if they were their own”. They don’t say “good morning”, “thank you”, etc.
The Czechs we talk to don’t complain about Poles, although they admit that we can be accused of similar sins, but in their opinion there are fewer of them. Tomas, however, complains that every time he comes to Poland, the road itself causes the greatest discomfort. He complains about “aggressive drivers”. However, when asked about problems with Poles, Pavla immediately replies that “there is nothing to accuse us of.”
Is shopping tourism coming to an end?
Shopping tourism from the Czech Republic to Poland has recently intensified because the differences in prices are becoming more and more significant. Economist Petr Dufek explained in an interview with “Mladá Fronta Dnes” that this is mainly due to the zero VAT rate. With the increase in the exchange rate of the zloty against the koruna and probably the reintroduction of VAT on food from next year, the differences in prices will become smaller, which is why the interest of Czechs in shopping in Poland will probably decrease. “Only the prices of selected products will remain more favorable,” wrote the Czech daily, citing cigarettes as an example. At the same time, it was noted that Czechs went to Poland for cheaper shopping even before the introduction of zero VAT, so it can be assumed that shopping tourism will not disappear completely.
2023-11-19 09:00:00
#Czechs #complain #Czechs #buying #Poland #feel #ashamed