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Czechs are terrified of winter. They buy in bulk and stock up

Due to fears of further price hikes, many families are buying huge amounts of food to hoard. It is mainly about some elements.

Czechs are very sensitive to food prices, which is why at a time when domestic food prices are rising faster than the entire European Union, panic is beginning to be felt in the country. People fear not only high prices, which can make some foods unavailable to them, but also lack. That’s why she solves it his way. They stock up at home. Large purchases of sugar, flour, canned goods and other products that have a long shelf life are therefore no exception.

The price of sugar is rising by leaps and bounds

The reason for the pre-storage is also the fact that the price of sugar is rising almost faster. More than 60 percent in the past month. While in September a kilogram of crystalline sugar cost 21.40 crowns, in October it was already 35.50 crowns, writes the site Courses. This is a very significant leap, to which customers respond naturally. Especially in a situation where it can be assumed that the price of sugar will continue to rise. Sugar factories have begun to reflect rising energy costs into prices, the server warns iToday.

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This year’s sugar beet failure is also responsible for the high price of sugar

Sugar production requires the consumption of gas, and the sugar industry is one of the few food sectors where producers have to buy emission quotas, which have also become much more expensive in recent months, explains Kurzy’s website. The fault is also the increase in the price of sugar beet, because the costs for farmers are also increasing. It’s all about connecting everything, which is slowly making sugar an almost inaccessible object. At the same time, its price is reflected in the increase in the price of many goods.

Freezers full of meat

“Obviously this will significantly affect the price of Christmas sweets and pastries”, Bohumil Hlavatý, director of the bakers union, said for the iDnes server. It is precisely the most expensive Christmas sweets that can make sugar disappear from store shelves even faster. Families can choose Christmas treats instead prepare it yourself and then save at least something. Czechs behave similarly with butter, flour or milk. Prices are rising sharply for these items as well. Also the fastest in the entire European Union, as the website informs Message list.

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People mainly buy cheaper, longer-lasting food and then only smaller goods

However, the reaction of the Czechs in the form of buying these foods drives up their prices further. In this way an inflationary spiral can spin that may not stop, even if there are enough assets, Seznam Zprávy’s server remembers. In addition, people also buy meat for broth, which they freeze in bulk. “Thanks to inflation, I’m now learning how to freeze meat before I buy it and she didn’t solve it. Now we buy with a discount for the freezer, and if I forget to defrost the meat for lunch, we still have it until dinner. ” Marie Filipová wrote in the article discussion Seznam Správy.

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