Home » today » World » Czech Republic: Prague wants to name place in front of the Russian embassy after Boris Nemzow

Czech Republic: Prague wants to name place in front of the Russian embassy after Boris Nemzow

The Lord Mayor of the Czech capital wants this month Prague the murdered Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov to make a monument. Of all places in front of the Russian embassy should be named after the Russian opposition politician.

He hoped that the ceremonial renaming could take place on the anniversary of the death of the politician on February 27, said Mayor Zdenek Hrib, according to the newspaper “Pravo”. The coalition partners have already signaled support for the politician of the pirate party.

Prague would not be the first city that Nemzow remembers in this way.

  • In Lithuania, a place in a green area near the Russian embassy in Vilnius named after the politician.

  • The US capital had two years ago Washington renamed the section of road in front of the Russian Embassy to “Boris-Nemtsov-Plaza”.

Nemtsov was near the Kremlin on February 27, 2015 shot on the open road with four shots, The Russian opposition politician and former vice-prime minister was at times considered the best-known face of the Russian opposition: for example, he criticized President Wladimir Putin sharp and denounced Russia’s war in Ukraine. Nemzow was detained several times.

Two years after the murder of him, five men from Chechnya were found guilty and to prison terms between 11 and 20 years sentenced. They are said to have carried out the contract murder. Nevertheless, doubts about the official presentation were raised again and again.

This is not the first time that Prague’s Mayor Hrib has moved on sensitive foreign policy grounds. Beijing recently resented its twinning with the metropolis on the Vltava after Hrib called for a clause on Chinese unity to be removed from the treaty.

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