Home » World » Czech Police Investigating Possible Link Between Charles University Shooting and Recent Double Murder in Prague Forest

Czech Police Investigating Possible Link Between Charles University Shooting and Recent Double Murder in Prague Forest

Czech police believe 24-year-old David Kozak, who carried out the country’s deadliest shooting at Charles University in Prague, may also have been involved in the murder of a father and child last week.

Source:European truth” with reference to Czech television

Details: On December 15, a 32-year-old man and his little daughter were found dead in the Klanovich Forest in Prague. The death of two people was classified by law enforcement officers as a double murder.

Hundreds of police from several regions, including dog handlers and mounted police, searched the Klanovich Forest for two days but found nothing there to indicate any imminent threat.

After the shooting in Prague, Czech police found Kazak at his home in the village of Gostoun in Kladno County in the north-west of the country. An arsenal of weapons was found there, one of which, according to ballistics, was used for the murder in the Klanovichi forest.

At the same time, law enforcement officers need additional time to establish a connection between the two cases, so they continue to take precautions in the forest in case of further danger.

The head of the criminal department of the Prague police, Aleš Strah, said on Friday that the probable killer from Klanovich Forest and Charles University did not have any specific reason for his actions, so a combination of several motives is possible.

Terrorist attack on December 21st building of the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague became the most tragic shooting incident in the history of the Czech Republic. According to police, the shooter committed suicide after the attack.

The suspect is a 24-year-old faculty student from the village of Gostone, David Kozak, who legally owned firearms and had no criminal history. The police believe that he could have been inspired by a similar case of mass shooting abroad.

2023-12-22 21:50:09
#student #committed #fatal #shooting #Prague #killed #father #daughter

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