Home » today » News » Czarnek in June said that LGBT people “are not equal to normal people.” Now he has become a professor at the Catholic University of Lublin | Policy

Czarnek in June said that LGBT people “are not equal to normal people.” Now he has become a professor at the Catholic University of Lublin | Policy

Mr. dr hab. Przemysław Czarnek met all the criteria necessary for professional promotion and from 1 October this year. will be employed as a professor at the Catholic University of Lublin. The decision in this matter, as in the case of other promoted employees, was issued by the previous rector, Fr. prof. Antoni Dębiński

– informed on Twitter of the Catholic University of Lublin.

The decision of the Catholic University of Lublin has received many comments: some users of the social networking site congratulate Czarnek, but others claim that it is “shame”, “disgrace” or “scandalous information”. “A Catholic university in name only. The conduct and words of this gentleman did not even stand next to Christianity,” writes one of the commentators. The whole matter was also referred to by MP Czarnek himself.

I can see and hear that this information caused a great stir in left-wing circles that asked for my expulsion from the Catholic University of Lublin. And here is such an unpleasant surprise. I calm down and explain: when you work, write, publish, you get promoted. No sensation. Good luck

– wrote the politician.

Czarnek’s controversial words about LGBT

Let us defend the family against this kind of corruption, depravity, absolutely immoral behavior. Let’s defend us against LGBT ideology and let’s stop listening to these idiocy about some human rights or some equality. These people are not equal to normal people, and let’s end this discussion

– said Przemysław Czarnek in one of the June editions of the “Studio Polska” program in TVP Info. The politician also appealed to “end the discussion about these abominations, LGBT, homosexuality, bisexuality, parades of equality. ”He also showed a photo of the parade in Los Angeles, which he claimed to observe while on a delegation at the time.

We are at an earlier stage, there are no such things with us yet, but such guys walk shamelessly on the streets of the western city of Los Angeles, this is also what Europe is going, this is what Poland is going to

– emphasized the deputy. Later, Czarnek explained that the criticism of his words was a “campaign”, his statement was “manipulated”, and he repeats the constitution: “Everyone is equal before the law and in dignity” without exception.

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