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Cytokine Storm Vulnerable to Attacking COVID-19 Patients with High Immunity?

Cytokine Storm Vulnerable to Attacking COVID-19 Patients with High Immunity?

26 Aug 2021

Photo: Freepik

Term cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients being talked about after almost taking the life of the presenter Deddy Corbuzier. Even though he is diligent in exercising and living a healthy lifestyle. What exactly is a cytokine storm and why can it occur in COVID-19 patients with relatively high immunity?

Reporting from the page of the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, a cytokine storm occurs when the body releases too many cytokines into the blood in a very fast period of time. This condition causes immune cells to attack healthy tissues and cells, resulting in inflammation. The inflammation can make the organs in the body become damaged and unable to function. Cytokine storm can cause death in COVID-19 patients.

The term cytokine itself is a protein produced by the immune system to perform various functions and is important in cell signaling markers. If cytokines are produced in excess, it will damage the body. Under normal conditions, cytokines actually help the immune system fight viral and bacterial infections that cause disease.

Cytokine storm is one of the complications that can be experienced by COVID-19 patients. These patients must be treated intensively because this condition can cause organ failure and be life threatening. Consultant Pulmonary Sub-Infection at Friendship Hospital, Dr. Erlina Burhan MSc SpP (K) explained, in principle, if there is a virus that enters the lungs in the body, the reaction that arises is the release of cytokines. When the SARS-CoV-2 virus enters the body, white blood cells respond by producing cytokines. Thus, a cytokine storm is an overreaction of the immune system.

Then why do cytokine storms strike healthy people? In theory, actually the reaction in healthy people does not happen anything. But there are theories that sometimes healthy people have an exaggerated immune response. That is what triggers inflammation in the body.

In patients COVID-19, cytokine storms attack lung tissue and blood vessels. The tiny air sacs in the lungs fill with fluid, which makes it difficult for COVID-19 patients to breathe. In addition to shortness of breath, most COVID-19 patients who experience a cytokine storm will also experience fever, chills or chills, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, swelling in the legs, nausea and vomiting, rash, and headaches that may affect COVID-19 patients. in the second week. This must be watched out and should not be taken lightly. Handling also needs to be done on a case by case basis. But generally, COVID-19 patients who experience this cytokine storm depend on the body’s immune system or immune system to fight the incoming virus. If the immune system is strong, the incoming virus can be defeated and the patient can recover. (f)

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Stephanie Mamonto


#badaisitokin, #covid19, #immunity

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