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Cyril Hanouna traumatized by the text of Mokhtar his ex-bodyguard

Those who know the program of great audience Do not touch My TV, necessarily know the massive but adorable Mohktar. Security guard on Cyril Hanouna’s television set for several years, Mohktar Guetari breaks the heart of the presenter of TPMP in a text message. Find out why in this article.

Why is Cyril Hanouna unable to hold back tears after receiving a message from Mohktar on his phone?


Cyril is not necessarily very sensitive although very sincere in terms of emotions, in his professional life as in his private life. However a text was enough to melt it in tears, a text from Mokhtar Guerati. But what could have shaken the emotions of the flagship presenter of French entertainment television?

We are not without knowing the famous proximity and relaxation shown by Cyril Hanouna on his set. “My little darlings” there, “my babies” here, Cyril does not pretend. He feels close to the people around him and considers that the members of his work team is much more than colleagues and even more than friends. Mohktar is no exception to the rule although he is not one of the chroniclers of the famous plateau of TPMP.

Mohktar has become an indispensable part of the great show of Do not touch My TV

Often invited in spite of himself to participate in the program, Mohktar became a full member of the team of Do not touch My TV and that thanks to Cyril Hanouna. Everyone feels pampered when they are close to the star host. He knows how to give an important place to everyone and makes sure that everyone feel well. Cyril also acts like this because he himself needs to be in the center of attention. This evidence of considerations goes both ways and that’s what he’s looking for. His personality can be considered eccentric loss but after all, who does not need to be appreciated by the people around us on a daily basis?

The most beautiful gift that Cyril made and Mohktar did not dare to hope for


The broadcast of Do not touch My TV takes place live as everyone knows. And it’s very regularly that Mohktar Guerati is taken to task by the host. Take part in games, write reviews or even surprise them. Indeed, some time ago Cyril made an incredible surprise to Mohktar. He brought the mother of the security guard from the set live to the show. Having recently become a father, Mohktar had confided to Cyril that his mother had not yet had the opportunity to visit the family and meet his grand-son. It’s Cyril’s big heart that took over to help Mohktar’s family find themselves. Since the beginning of the show Do not touch My TV in 2014, the safety officer and the presenter had time to get to know each other and become real friends.

Messages behind Cyril Hanouna’s tears

But then what happened so that these two friends came to chat by message and that Mohktar broke the heart of Cyril Hanouna? You will see that you will be surprised by the details of the explanation. It’s related to Mohktar’s response to Cyril’s gift of bringing his mother to the tray live. It’s a thank you message that Mohktar sent to Cyril Hanouna and who managed to break his heart. The tears could not be held back since it was a magnificent message addressed to him.

And here is this message:


The two friends are really good friends and if tears fell from Cyril Hanouna’s eyes it’s because of beauty and the simplicity of the gesture of thanks from his friend Mohktar, delivered in this message on his phone.

And Cyril’s response was quick to come. There she is :



The one who will try to separate this friendship has not yet been born and is not ready to be born. Indeed, the respective Twitter accounts of the two protagonists of this story testify to their proximity. Still under the guise of humor, the two men have nevertheless become very close since they started working together in 2004.

Cyril Hanouna, a real sensitive under his sharp humor


The star host of Do not touch My TV is therefore a sensitive man who likes to do good around him. Despite the sometimes muddy valves that he also likes to cause to cause tensions, it is always with the aim of fostering an atmosphere of frank fun. Even today, he helps us to keep smiling in times of forced confinement. The French are all stuck at home to make sure respect containment measures taken by the government of the country. To stem the coronavirus pandemic, nothing better to do than stay at home. Cyril doesn’t let us down, you guessed it. He invites us to watch and participate in the show from home, as Mohktar points out on his Twitter account.

As for containment, Cyril continues the show from home to the delight of the fans.


So let’s not forget to follow government instructions for our safety and continue to follow the adventures of Cyril to relax. a good slice of laughter from us will not hurt to overcome these hours tragic.

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